Yes I think it's important to start the conversation on the proper foot, this mosque is not at ground zero, nor is it simply "a mosque".
No. They're not Christians (you know, the folks who had a rather successful genocide of the Native Americans, who had a cute little thing called the Inquisition, etc. etc.). Talk about a terrorist "religion" (more like a cult!) that should be banned!
A random bigot said mosques = terrorism. I was just showing how that isn't true. I did show, however, that churches = genocide. You see, both mosques and churches are places for worship. The difference, however, one of them is also for their religious leaders to spout "kill everyone who is not our religion!" The other one worships Allah.
i'm more interested, right now, in the human condition which leads to terrorism. I'm not saying other religions are "clean" because their definitely not. it does no good to go so far back in time with each religion "dirty tricks". they all sucked from one time or another but, as far as Islam goes .... IMHO I think Islam can promote terrorism more. It's up to the individual worshiper, like any other religion, to follow or not to follow the verses in the qur'an. like i posed to all of you earlier, which religion do you think a worshiper will more likely be a terrorist? like the videos simply shows, Islam, compared to Judaism and Catholicism, seems to be more rigid in it's teachings. "good" verses, "bad" verses, last verses rules over the ones before it and you're not supposed to come up with your own interpretation. although we all know that there are "nuts" in every religion that would twist for their own purposes it seems to me that the "rigid rules" would have a higher percentage. i had the first 14 years of my life being dragged to Catholic church. never did i ever have an inkling or subliminal thoughts from the clergy that Christians should kill others. thank GOD i never got a reach-around. posting this could be considered bigotry by others what i find interesting are the bio's of the 4 London bombers. 3 born in Britain and the fourth came from Jamaica when he was 5. no influences from the mid-east when growing up. i just wonder what foundations were planted in their heads either by parents or Emans. i have to go back and read more.
London bombings. Khans a real winner. lives a "clean" life until he goes to Pakistan. born in england, educated, married, child, goes to Pakistan a few times and meets other bomber, suspected in other bombings. here's a good quote The Hamara Youth Access Point (Hyap) is a drop-in centre for teens in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, operated by the Hamara Healthy Living Centre, an Islamic charity partly funded by the UK government. The drop-in centre was frequented by several of the suspects in the 7 July 2005 London bombings, and is believed to have been where some were recruited into the terrorist cell. [ame=""]Mohammad Sidique Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
i disagree. Christ never preached violence or evil. in fact, he taught his diciples to love their neighbor as well as their enemy. that some people have done evil in the name of Christianity is more than unfortunate. but unless i am incorrect, mohammed did preach evil and violence.
Oh good grief. If you want to make any analogy, consider yourself the North American native and the Islamic extremist (al qaeda) as the "Christian" apparently of days gone past. They are coming for you.
first i have to admit i'm not a bible thumper. somebody posted that in the old testement, deuterotimy, it does preach to kill others that are not christians. after that Jesus did say that true followers would reject the old testiment for the new testiment. so for awhile the bible sucked also.
that's incorrect. God told the hebrews that anyone trying to lead the chosen people astray to worship false gods must be stoned to death. this has to be understood in context and has nothing to do with trying to convert outsiders to judaism. secondly, jesus never said that true followers would reject the old testament. he said if you want to follow him, you must pick up your cross daily, meaning, you must put aside self and consider others first. not an easy thing to do, but definately worthwhile trying!
I think we are missing the point here. It’s supposed to be a community center right? Ok, if they are building it in that location where is the community? With NYC traffic it takes an hour to drive there from the nearest muslim community. So what is it promoting again? Community relations? With what the mass transit authority? The automakers union? The oil companies? The cabbies?
Every story needs a beginning and the Old Testament details the failures and success in God connecting with His creation. The lessons from it are timeless and still relevant today. However like Turd and Bisco pointed out, there is a new Covenant between God and his creation; Jesus. He provides a new way for His creation to come back to Him, though his only son, a man. The old Law as described in the OT no longer reins. However Jesus did reiterate most of the 10 Commandments. BTW, "Christian" literally means Christ Follower. If you want to try to dis Christianity, you are going to have to quote from the New Testament.
That depends on whether you are taking about some idealized Christianity or reality. Many "Christians" freely use the Old Testement to justify their un-Christ-like beliefs and behaviors.
they say its a community center for all faiths. it is not a mosque as it was reported on the news but you'll read a lot of reports that say its included. there are Muslims that live all over the city just as there are christians, jews, and rastafarians. by one report there are over 100 mosques in nyc which includes all the 5 boroughs.
Woah, no wonder there have been dozens of Islamic terrorist attacks in the U.S. the past five years! Oh, wait...
what get me is that they wont let the Greek orthodox church get rebuilt there i dont know the details yet cause i just got the news on this !!! i was in queens NY when it happened saw the second plane crash the other tower,worked on the cleanup,worked on the reconstruction of the NJ pathway that went through the foundation until it was finished.i used to live in NY and was a local#3 electrician.i ended up leaving the states soon after to Greece ....and this mosque just confirms the reasons that i had for leaving a country i was born in ! in the states they always do things to be politically correct when it involves big numbers but in other instances like the Greek church it doesn't matter because the public projection wont be as great a problem or negative for publicity...THE GREEK CHURCH OF SAINT NICOLAS WAS BUILT IN 1927 BY GREEKS AND GREEK FUNDS....SHAME ON OBAMA SHAME...