I went to the dealer and had them modify the auto-off feature from 30 sec. to 0 sec. The only quirk is that even after you turn the car off the headlights stay on until the driver's door is opened. As for the display - a simple touch of the intensity wheel (to the left of the driver) can easily turn the display from day to night or the reverse. It' like when you have your lights on at dusk or a rainy day - The display needs to be on day even though it normally would be on night with the lights on. I hope this make sense.
Others have reported replacing the light-control "stalk" with a Canadian one, and then connecting its (2 extra?) wires and the one extra wire from the "daylight" sensor. So, apparently the firmware control logic is there, one just needs to add a (perhaps special) "switch" and a couple of wires. I really need to download the service manual schematics.
Cars sold in Scandinavia have a conditional switch, but only certain models (equipped with LED lights) appear to comply with the future regulation on Daytime Running Light (DRL) to be enforced in the EU by 2011.
I am very pleased the Prius does not have automatic headlights. They were a PITA on my Intrigue. I called it "Lazy Sensor" as the headlights would stay on when IMO it was too bright. I got around it by turning the parking lights on. No off switch. Great move GM.
I have never lived anywhere it was too bright to be seen by other drivers. Headlights are always safer than no headlights.
The Prius has an OFF button. The sensor is also adjustable (though I find the default setting usually quite good). I love automatic headlights because it knows if it's daytime so if i use my lights during the day, the instrument panel doesn't dim.
Couldn't agree more! Early Priuses sold in Europe without automatic headlamps didn't dim the instrument panel nor switched on the cockpit backlight, making the operation of certain controls a nuisance when in a tunnel. The handy light projected towards the gearstick wouldn't lit either. The reason why daytime headlamps are becoming compulsory in all of the EU (they are already in several Member States, including very sunny ones) is because they help pedestrians and drivers see incoming vehicles.
I find I'm leaving mine on. My 10 year old maxima had proper auto; when ambient light was low the lights came on. It worked perfectly, too, until I got rid of the car last week; always seemed to turn on at the right time and only wouldn't turn on unless you were in the dark for 10 seconds (so if you went under a tunnel or something it wouldn't flash on). Still, despite leaving the prius ones on all the time I find everything perfectly easy to ready during the day. Honestly it's ok with me because all the Priuses for 2010 have full auto on ALL windows. I am infuriated with one of my other cars that has only auto down on driver, not auto up. Very stupid way to save a dollar, IMO.
However, what I don't understand is why some Toyotas have "automatic" headlights yet don't have an AUTO position (e.g. the current generation Corolla). if you leave it in the OFF position, it'll still automatically turn on the headlights when it gets dark (or you go into an underground parking garage).
Now I feel bad taking my auto headlights for granted. So much so in fact that I have never used the feature. Too used to just twisting the stalk when I need them, and have a sick paranoia that they won't turn off even though that's the point of the feature
Tip of the day: Double press the LOCK button on the keyfob will turn off the light manually once you've exited the car (or if you used SKS to lock the car, pressing the LOCK button once on the fob will turn off the light)
Hmmm ... our hybrid Lexus headlights seem excellent, but they're different from your instrument panel description. The headlights will come on even going under a bridge / overpass & instantaneously the dash lights will dim ... then the headlights will restore back to off (and back to bright dash lights) once you're back out in the clear. .
That's because it's decently dark under a bridge. The 2005 won't turn on the headlights unless I'm actually sitting under a bridge at a light or waiting to turn left to an onramp. I remember once travelling on a tree-lined road where the canopy covered the roads. The headlights came on but the IP stayed in daytime mode because it's not as dark as an underpass. IOW, what you said works exactly like any other Toyota automatic headlights.