Some of Toyota's recent past issues may have arose from growing too fast. Car companies once reported car sales on a weekly basis. Quarterly public reports are the norm in nearly every other industry, and somebody is being paid to put together those public monthly reports at the car companies.
Well, my 2-day old posts locked in purgatory suddenly appeared today. I'm not so sure that would have happened at Huffingpost, so I have to give credit where it's due. The conspiracist in me suggests it could have been by design after the article slipped out of prominent placement.
@bwilson4web comments came across to me as personal attack on Elon. Your comments to me came across as a personal attack on me and I reported your post. If you thought my comment was a personal attack, you should have reported it rather than engaging in a poo poo attack on the forum. Listen to yourself, you are doing the same. You should follow your own advice.
tesla is a serious threat to the livelihood of a lot more people than most people realize. their demise would be celebrated by a lot of people worldwide, and their success also by a lot of others, and some begrudgingly. the fact that many old line automakers are hedging their gasoline/diesel bets makes a lot of people nervous, and it comes down to tesla, and a certain elon musk. i think you know who the players are. no one cared about saddam in this country, and still don't. just that we got involved to save big oil. again. in this forum (tesla) i can only imagine the negative nancies are either shorters, make a living off petroleum in some way, or just can't bear to see toyota slighted in any way.
To give the whole story, both the bad and the good, you might want to read this article. Elon said in a Tweet: Norwegians are right to be upset with Tesla. We are having trouble expanding our service facilities in Oslo especially. Can solve quickly with Tesla mobile service vans, but awaiting govt permission to do so. I am happy to see him taking personal responsibility for this.
I'm thinking about how to handle the quarterly production reports by Tesla and GM. I still want to use the monthly data from everyone else but dealing with quarterly reports is tricky. Each quarter is treated as 52/4 = 13 weeks. Use current quarter report production over 13 weeks to make a 'flat' line over 13 weeks. Pin the middle Use previous quarter report production over 13 weeks to make a flat line over 13 weeks. Pin the middle Use the midpoints of each line to define a slope. Apply the slope over the current quarter The problem is how to resolve the end point of the previous quarter line with the start line of the current line. This is tricky. Bob Wilson
just use the numbers from the previous quarter divided by 3. unless elon reveals any numbers in the meantime.
The dates for September and December are incorrect. What is the source of information for your chart?
I used the last day of the respective months. What dates would you like to see? Source 1: Financials & Accounting | Tesla, Inc. . . . you'll have to navigate the form to find the quarterly report and then find how many Model 3 were produced in each quarter. It did not have a quarter-2 report when I looked. Source 2: Tesla releases Q2 2018 production numbers: 28,578 total Model 3, 5,031 in one week -- announcement of quarter-2, model 3 production numbers. Bob Wilson