Matches the color of the carpet beneath. Only the interior mats are darker gray (good for not showing road dirt, but bad for showing light clay mud.
Thanks for the info! Maybe I can get away w/o all-weather mats since they're darK??? I really hope to find a proper full-size cargo liner for when I have the back seats down ... my dog will have that carpet dirty in NO TIME!
Japan will have them. They had it for the current gen (but it was a weird colour.. with a weird pattern on it).
They will have one that covers ALL the cargo area? With the seats down? Has anyone found a really good one for the Gen 2?
Yeah... it's near the top of this page on the first column "full cargo fabric mat" Toyota Prius 2004 ~ 2009 NHW20 Interior Accessories :: Sigma Automotive
Is it perfectly fitted for the Gen 2 ... think it would work alright for the Gen 3? Do you own this one? Can I ask anymore questions? What holds it in place?
Thanks ... not sure those dimension changes would make a huge difference, but I'll wait and see if anyone else has any experience. Guess I'll just use old blankets like I do now
Found them. They're ¥16,300 and they're for the Gen 3. They're less flowering but look more industrial. It's on the Japanese Prius accessory page. Perhaps it's some sort of neoprene type material (they mention waterproof) They also have a full cover for the entire back seat, floor and the backs of the front seat should your dog prefer to sit in the back seat. It's adjustable for big and small dogs (i.e. you can raise the part that goes onto the floor up to the height of the rear seat)
Does that mean they'll be available here too after a while? Or will I have to order it and have it shipped here? Maybe the back seat (with them up)might be better? The only reason I say this is b/c with the rear seats down the rear speakers seem completely blocked on the Gen 3 ... not the case in Gen 2. Thanks for posting those pics and looking for them!
What do you mean by completely blocked? The speakers are roughly in the same position as they are in the Gen 2. They won't be available here. You'll have to get them shipped.
I checked in back again with the seats down ... you are right they aren't blocked. There just isn't near as much sound audible from the rear speakers in the Gen 3 vs the Gen 2 with the sound set in the middle of the car. Ideally I find the sound is best slightly tweeked to the rear.
How paranoid of a mother do I want to be in my new car?! Do I get the "pet" covering in the hopes of never having a child spill touch my new car?!?! But it looks a bit (gasp) nerdy??? Also, reminds me of plastic covers for the couch. Do I pull a grandma??