We have a 2007 and have had it for about 20 months now. Am getting an overall of 50.1 mpg and running 350 to 450 miles, varying from 6 to 8 gallons per fillup. Generally like to fill up at three bars on the gas gage. I figure that probably gives me 150 to 200 miles leeway in the tank. Been seeing only 45 mpg in the city, but 55 or so on the highway from 55 to 75 mph. Still learning how to drive this car and trying to improve on the mileage. It's a challenge. Looking into installing the special button to further improve on the "stealth" mode...
But just think ... when you've been driving it a little longer ... maybe THIS will be your average: Sorry ... couldn't resist. These are my better tankfulls ... not the average. Even so, remember there's always someone out there ready to out-smug you. These are complements of EBH - 1/2 grill block - all 4 Michelins @50psi - P&G between 40mph to 30mph.
From a new owner, my first tank was 500 miles on the dot before the warning pip started to flash. I'm currently on my second tank and have near 400 miles now on that and it still has more than a half tank left, Looks like i may hit near 600+ for this tank. Currently averaging 55.6 MPG with about 80% of my daily commute being highway. I do take advantage of pulse and glide when i can when under about 40MPH, Above 40 I tend to use the Warp Stealth technique i read about on these forums.
Well, I got 43mpg on the 22 mile drive back. Since then I drove about 30 miles yesterday and it's now at 48mpg. So, I figure minus that first 22 miles, I should be in the 50's. right?
I hate walking more than I hate pumping gas, so I fill up around 350-375 which takes only about 7 gallons or so. You could go more, but why risk it?