Except Huskers never mentioned the desire to be an evangelist. S/he just complains about the wait, and being forced to buy a higher trim and/or compromise on color to get the car sooner. Those complaints have a simple solution.
Found out today that a couple I know in Missouri came home this week from Wisconsin with a new Prime. They must have bought one of the 4 in Madison. I will find out more later but what luck. On vacation up there and decided to trade and got a Prime like it was no big deal. Well, they won't be allowed to join the "Fly Over Group".
I will say that all my other annoyance with the local dealer aside, the "hybrid expert" (John Dolan) was very knowledgable, sent me all sorts of information (including updates on things like a local utility deal about installing ChargePoint in your garage at home), and seemed to know the car pretty well considering he had just about 24h to look one over in person before I picked mine up. Helped that he owned a PiP and was one of the three locally-sold Primes here in Madison.
The couple from Missouri who got a Prime from Smart Toyota in Madison mentioned the name John Dolan. Said he was the one who secured the 8 from NJ. They bought their Prime from Gary Frederick at the Smart dealership. Said they thought they were all gone now.
Yeah, I told them how lucky they were and they just had no idea. Still don't. But I might take a trip to Missouri so I can at least see one in the wild.
I think I need one of those to tide me over. A paper weight if nothing else. I could tell it was not a Prime. Back window was not curved. I finally got a reply back from Toyota today. I had sent them an email asking why Primes were not being distributed in all 50 states like it was suppose to be. Basically, the reply said hold in there. That was it. Wonder what it would have been if I had said, "I am thinking of going with the Volt instead?"
So I just checked the vehicle list for the chicago auto show next month. No prius primes. None. I'm starting to think there are no primes, it's just a hoax. They will have a Mirai there though....
You re part of the conspiracy. .... J/K. I'm just flabbergasted that there still isn't 1 in the chicago area, and that they won't even have one at one of the world's largest auto shows
Ernst Motors in Columbus, Ne. is suppose to have a Silver ext, black int., advanced on March 10th. Last I knew it was not spoken for.