Have faith. I thought I was getting the run around as well but they came through and I could not be happier.
We are having a total solar eclipse here in the Midwest on the 21st about 2pm. I want to be driving my Prime as it hits. That has to be good luck...right? Does that increase your MPGe?
@huskers follow the trail of the eclipse to Carbondale then you will see the eclipse AND see a Prime in the wild
Dude, I'm headed your way to Nebraska for the eclipse in a couple weeks, with my Prime. And I believe that 2pm is way too late to see the eclipse.
I'll be traveling to visit a LONG-time friend (in NC), and then traveling with him / his son to SC... we'll be at a campsite about 15 miles from DEAD CENTER of the "totality" path! (HOPE it's not cloudy... ... and REALLY hope it doesn't happen during the NIGHT-TIME... ....)
I've been talking to a coworker about taking a road trip to the eclipse - southern Nebraska or northern Missouri. Wonder what the roads will be like that day?
You could travel along the eclipse path on your way to SC that way it will stay dark, I course you would have to travel like a crippled snail
Most "highways" in rural areas are one lane per direction. Counties are in panic mode for what will be Woodstock x 500. Up to 50 million people will drive to the centerline. One must be "in place" a minimum of 24 hours before the eclipse begins (in the AM) or one will probably be stuck in a non-moving traffic jam. Just one accident or disabled vehicle might shut a county road system down.
I'm thinking about joining this club, but I don't relish ordering a car I haven't seen or driven. Waiting four months to see if I made the right choice is gonna be hard, too. What should I do?
I am fully booked now for the eclipse. Leaving THREE days ahead, and will be filling up often (with that gasoline stuff I've heard about) to hopefully avoid any run on the supply. Every morning I'm out of the hotels before the sun comes up to get to clearer roads and avoid the heat of the day. Arriving more than a full day ahead of the eclipse time (starting @ 10am) at the campsite. This plan, I hope, will go smoother than the worries going on in my head after reading the apocalyptic news stories. Going back to Chicago.... no plan! Have no idea what an extra 50 million people will do to I-80, other than something real bad. Options include most everything at that point. I might be able to join in on those Prius camping threads after all this. EDIT: Oh, to keep this post totally on topic, this will be my first long trip in the Prime that I bought in the Midwest.
Y'all are welcome to come to Madison anytime. Hey, how about next Sunday? We'll get this in before the eclipse!
I see Toyota's designers are continuing to exercise their decidedly warped (albeit highly appreciated by Prius aficionados) sense of humour, when designing Prii. My 2nd Gen Prius always reminds me of a Star Trek Shuttlecraft. The front of the Prime has that poignant look of a (submerged) somewhat aggrieved Manta Ray swimming towards you, even when its standing still. The vehicle has what I'd call award winning looks (from the front), what with that fluid organic design - it literally looks like a living thing in motion! It really is beautiful. Kudos to Toyota for being so bold instead of bland. The Prime ROCKS...!!! And yes, I want one too.... iPhone ?
There must be increasing availability in the Midwest, because I just saw one in the wild! First one I've seen. It was on St. Rt. 45 headed south toward Kankakee, IL. As I was headed north I couldn't get a good look, it was either silver or titanium. Very nice. I've gotten so used to the strange front end it looks good now. Especially IRL and not photos.