newsflash: 'toyota to open hybrid patterns for free, to encourage more hybrid investment, and discourage bev investment, and try to stop the continual loss of sales to bev's, which are eating their lunch, both in hybrid sales, and luxury car sales'.
Yes, the alarm bells and red lights are going off at Toyota headquarters right now. I hope this motivates them to get their act together on a viable BEV product, but they are already, at least, 5 years behind. Five lost years to build a lousy 6000 unit FCV Mirai. Toyota opens patents to help save hybrid cars, but it won't work - Electrek The comments below the article are even more interesting than the article itself!
I would bet there will be plenty of room for Toyota when they finally show up late to this party. The bigger problem for them is that they will lose out on the Apple halo effect. Apple with smart phones, being one of the forerunners, established themselves as a premium line and continue to clean up on most of the profits handsomely years after others have joined the party. Tesla is the new Apple. Shorters don’t believe this, investors do.
I suggest that Tesla supporters read, "The Innovator's Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book That Will Change the Way You Do Business." Firms involved in genuine innovation generally do not succeed over the long term.
I like the scrappy reply. But urge the reading of the book in order to properly evaluate the context.
if this were the tesla stock thread, and i was interested in tesla stock, i might. but this being the mid range model 3 gone thread, i'm more interested in how that is working out. i don't disagree that tesla is a flyer, but no risk, no reward.
'one criticism of the book is that the theory applies best to businesses with business customers, not consumers who are less rational'
amazon reviews - 4 of 5 stars He's not a businessman, he's a teacher - & consultant .... Art Spinella was one too .... the great Priys hater. Was Spinella reinvented? Typical 1 star book comment ; our neighbor is a Wharton Biz graduate .... 77yrs old & still trying to make the mortgage. Musk beats Hoytie toytie teachers. I'll pass - maybe make me a 5 star book recommendation from a real working stiff - & we'll give it a go. .
Or one could look at it in another view, Toyota had granted Tesla 5 years of non competition. The competition is coming. Do you really think Toyota has not been working on a BEV?
Elon hopes it is coming because he really doesn't want to be in the BEV car business, he wants to be in the rocket business. I REALLY think "no." They have been working on an ill-conceived FCV and a re-designed ICE Supra. You're the one that said that Toyota was coming out with a production BEV in 2019. Where is it?
FCV is very well received in Japan. Actually the Supra is more BMW then Toyota when it comes to its ICE. I guess Toyota is letting Tesla continue to enjoy the spot light for a bit longer.
And after GM killed their short-lived electric car, Toyota picked up the scraps and brought the Prius EV into serious production numbers. Look where GM is today - bailed out of bankruptcy once and headed toward bankruptcy again. Is @William Redoubt theory saying that Toyota is following the same path? Are you saying that Toyota is not the major innovator that brought us EVs? I think that Toyota was an innovator in the EV movement up until about 15 years ago when they lost their way with complacency and corporate greed. But there would not be a Tesla today if it were not for Toyota blazing the trail in the beginning.