The only difference between Tesla and the other car companies' and dealers' price manipulations through sales, incentives, market adjustments, etc is transparency.
sorry to throw a little Stevia on your sour news, but it's a couple days late & a couple dollars short ..... Tesla produces first batch of standard Model 3 vehicles - Electrek still ... feel free to say it's not true anyway. Alternatively, glory in musk's statement that it won't be for a couple/few more months until the standard range ramps up to Ludacris production levels. .
Waiting for customers to get them. Only then can Tesla be trusted. Electrek quotes no authority, "Electrek was able to confirm with a source familiar with Tesla’s production that the automaker produced an initial batch of over 500 standard Model 3 vehicles over the last two days." Also, note the date of the article is ... MARCH 6, 2019!
We need more plugin electric car fires - until they're as ubiquitous as gasoline car fires .... (sigh) I wonder how long it'll take until plugin fires increase some 99.9%. .
Don’t recall where I read this, but it was stated that Americans are not wanting or are ready for self driving cars. BMW as a luxury car company came in number 2 for 2018. BMW brand sales increase for 14th consecutive month. U.S. built BMW X3 posts best year of sales of any SAV in BMW history. BMW 5 Series iPerformance is best-selling premium plug-in hybrid in U.S. Mercedes sales were down 6.3 percent to 315,959, while BMW reported a rise of 1.7 percent to 311,014. Lexus volume dropped 2.2 percent to 298,310 and Audi deliveries fell 1.4 percent to 223,323. Tesla sold 182,400 cars, up from 48,000 the year before.
Yeah, the entry level models are most likely to not have it. The base level 3 series appears to have all the features that TSS provides standard, plus some luxury ones, like rain sensing wipers, that the Model 3 has. So calling out Tesla's use of technology, which the driver can turn off, is on the hypocritical side. Since I had the BMW site open. Not counting the Z or M models, BMW has 16 different models. With just 3 models, Tesla sold 58.6% of BMW's figure.
Who cares how many models one makes, coming in 2nd is still 2nd place in sales. Mercedes, BMW and Lexus have held these 3 positions for years. No one has been able to penatrate their sales numbers. Let’s not forget that Lexus IS still a small division of Toyota!! So let’s not even talk about Toyota sales numbers.
3 series sales have plummeted since 2016. BMW 3-Series Sales Figures | GCBC Much of that is because of the market shift to SUVs, but in one full year of sales, the Model 3 came about 300, 1300, and 2200 sales short of the 3 series three best years out of the 14 full years the 3 series has been for sale in the US. Tesla Model S Sales Figures | GCBC The 7 series sells about half as many as the Model S annually. BMW 7-Series Sales Figures | GCBC Tesla Model S Sales Figures | GCBC Without a 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 series, each of which have as many trim levels as the Teslas, to pick up more sales for the brand, BMW would not be number 2 nor 3 nor 4. The number of extra models is a very important factor in the brand's total sales. Where do you think Toyota's sales would be without the Camry or Corolla for buyers to choose from? Do you truly believe that those buyers would all choose a Yaris or Avalon if they were the only choices? If Tesla was such a non threat to the German brands, why are they scrambling to increase the numbers of plug ins they offer?
Total number of sales of a car company can be determined by all models a car company sells. Why is having more then 3 models a bad thing. It should be a viewed as what a company is capable of doing. What car company today does not offer more then 3 models?
Because more models means more development costs and more manufacturing costs which means less margin even when platform sharing. If you can sell half the number of cars with 1/5th the number of models.... Of course there is the Porsche way with an endless supply of "upgrades" at endlessly high upgrade prices. I swear I've seen cars with 40+ options.
so - IOW, the standard Range model 3 w/out all the autopilot - lane assist - self driving .... this is an acknowledgement that it will sell like hotcakes? Welcome! "Reality? - party of one?" (standing by for the back pedal) well, for one thing - that's exactly (in part) what put GM into bankruptcy. Why do you think even Toyota has cut models - like the perfectly loved, Prius V? .