To each their own, I suppose. I'm on my second set of Defenders, and appreciate the wet handling and the tread life. I'm in California and drive my 2014 between Santa Cruz and Truckee often, don't think they're any worse or better than my other tires (OEM Bridgestone Ecopias and Yokohama Avid Ascends). I got close to 70K out of my first set of Defenders. The MPG took 2000 miles or so to creep back up to normal, I suppose a harder compound would take longer to break in.
I just reached 70,000 miles on my Costco brand Defenders. Looks like I have 5-10 K left. It's been a very good tire for me. It holds air and balance well and the MPG is at 50 plus. The ride is a little harsher now with less rubber, though. Costco only offers 2 choices (422 Plus & Defender) for my car so i will probably replace with the Defender again.
I would like to update my first week experience driving on the Toyo Nano Energy tires compared to the Defenders. Two words : wow, and impressive. I drive the same commute everyday 5 days a week. I leave my house in town on electric power mode and then when I hit the freeway on ramp, I switch to power hybrid mode. I climb the Dublin grade and then pretty much coast the rest of the way to Hayward. With the Defenders, I would get an average of 49 to 51 mpg at the top of the grade going between 60 and 65 mph. With the Toyo Nano Energy tires, I'm now averaging 62 to 63 mpg at the top of the grade daily. That's a 22% increase in mpg daily for this test. Substantial increase in mpg across the board compared to the Defenders. The performance of these tires are also better than the Dunlap. I cannot speak for the other brands. The engine is simply not working as hard. Amazing. Again, quiet, comfortable ride, and good handling. Yes, some road noise can still be heard in the cabin but nothing like the Defenders. All tires will produce some road noise in the Prius and other vehicles. No, I will not get 70,000 or 80,000 miles out of these tires. But I would gladly replace them with another set at 45,000 or 50,000 miles.
If I had to buy a set of tires today, I'd buy the Defenders. I put them on my 2013 Prius and was impressed with the ride, quietness, and handling of those tires. I had Bridgestone 422 pluses before and EP20s before that. Had one flat that required a patch though. Got Yokohama Avid Ascend GTs on my Prime, but wished I'd bought the Defenders instead.
I purchased the Michelin Defenders from Toyota, buy 3 get the 4th for $1. Strangely, I never feel like I’m getting a good deal when I do that. I have 35,000 on the Defenders and I really like the tires. They are smooth and pretty quiet. They tread wear is minimal. I think I can easily get 65,000-70,000 miles on these tires. They also do great on wet roads. The mpg has taken a hit though. I was averaging around 52 on the Toyo’s that came on the car. Now I’m averaging about 45. I can live with it. Next tires might be the Brighton Ecopias. A friend who works at Toyota who’s had a couple Prii recommend the Ecopias for the mpg.
I have roughly 2,500 miles on the Michelin Defenders on my 2013 Gen 3 with about 110k miles (original owner). For reference, the car came stock with Ecopia EP20s, then I got Ecopia EP422, then the Defenders. The ride is noticeably smoother and quieter. Rides way more supple. Does well on the dry and wet. Mileage has taken a 4-5 mpg hit compared to the Ecopia EP422, but maybe 5-6 mpg over the stock EP20s.
to resurrect an oldie, I'm on my third set of defenders (previous record was 103K mi on mich harmony tires on a camry), and each set has been north of 80K mi, after only about 45ish-k mi on the factory tires. I've never hit the wear bars, but been close (on the 103K set of harmony tires, I *could* have squeezed another 5K but it was sept and I was in new went for new). I won't mention my FE, as I tend to drive my car, erm, "expediently" but I can get 45-52 easily enough, if I choose (which I generally don't...time = $). I'll admit the cabin noise is not bmw quiet, but it's not as expensive to repair as my 540 that I sold years ago, so there's tradeoffs in life. I'm a little curious about the tires an earlier poster mentioned were super quiet... but not having to buy tires for an extra year is also pretty appealing, especially to a frugal miser like myself.