Fleming (book author) is a retired Aerospace engineer. == If CO2 did not decrease from May to September, that would be cause for much concern. N. hemisphere main agricultural season, among other important things.
Snapshot of my workday to show overlap with Priuschat Working with a fellow who wants to improve corn drought resistance etc. by finding useful traits (genes) in the wild progenitor teosinte. You may have heard of it. Must read a new batch of 'literature' for this. One study grew teosinte and modern cultivars at 250 ppm CO2 because that's what it was when paleo-dudes were 'engineering' teosinte. Most features of modern cultivars were established when CO2 was about 310 ppm. Now it's >410. Also note that when corn is growing fastest, it can reduce near-ground-level CO2 a lot because it is one of the best suckers around. You'd think wind would prevent that - turbulent mixing and all - but cornfields can be so large that they overrule mixing. Small patches to the contrary cannot draw down [CO2]. I mean, unless there is absolutely no daytime wind. So, fellow in question ought to 'tune' his research to CO2 as it will be in cornfields a decade or so in future, but what number will that be? Because goal is to make more drought resistant corn, with whatever genes you can find, that work best under actual field conditions. Fascinating stuff. Before yesterday I never thought about paleodudes inventing agriculture at 250 ppm CO2. But that's what they did, and it is a very big part of what the human enterprise is built upon.
Just like you said, you picked a scale (or timeframe) to manipulate the data to emphasize your agenda. You showed just 6 months, hiding the full annual seasonal cycle. Here is another plot showing two full annual cycles:
On top of that blunder above, why would NASA put out a headline for data better heralded by Scripps (UCSD) and NOAA?
Not a blunder, I chose the scale carefully to show how it can present a deceptive perspective. Just like NASA does. NASA frequently uses any data source they can find to spread their agenda driven campaign. Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet “Scientific Consensus Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.”