May miles 2523.8 Gallons consumed 50.487 MPG 49.98911 Highest tank 5/28-5/30 249.7 miles. 55.36585366 mpg (coincided with highest ambient temp) Lowest tank 4/30 - 5/01 193 miles 46.28874388 (coincided with lowest ambient temp)
It just keeps getting better! 54.0 mpg via CPU 366.3 miles with 3 bars showing at fillup 5-8-04 55.5 mpg via CPU 423.8 miles with 2 bars showing at fillup 5-18-04 58.2 mpg via CPU 372.5 miles with 3 bars showing at fillup 5-23-04 I got my first oil change at 4990 miles on 5-20-04. I haven't increased the tire pressure. My observations are that short (5-10 minutes) trips are a killer for mileage regardless of outside temperature and highway driving gets much better than the 50 mpg EPA rated. You just got to love this car. BTW the service advisor at Toyota where I got my oil change said that the mpg will get even better as it is still being broken in. Wow!
Tank miles:545 Overall Miles:3567 Avg Tank Mileage:61.93 Avg Overall Mileage:52.12 Avg Temperature:68 F Price per Tank:$19.90 Avg Price per Gallon:$2.26
Total for the Month of May: MIles traveled: 1734 MPG for the month: 49.8 MPG on current tank: 49.2 Temperature: 60 to 80 F Price per gallon: $2.32 Usually get gas at about 480 miles. Since I got the Prius, I have saved $70.80 compared to the Ford Escort I used to drive (34 mpg). Mostly highway driving at 65 to 70 mpg, cruise control as much as possible, always using A/C set to 75 degrees.
I went on a long trip Memorial day weekend (1050.1 total miles driven) Tank 6 (LaCrescent, MN to Battle Creek, MI 99% Interstate) Tank miles: 466 Overall Miles: 2408 Tank Mileage: 49.4 Avg Overall Mileage: 48.5 Avg Temperature: high 60s (?) Disp milage: 53.4 Tank 7 (Battle Creek, MI to Jackson, MI around town in Jackson and back to Beloit, WI) Tank miles: 381 (we were hungry) Overall Miles: 2789 Tank Mileage: 49.96 (*) Avg Overall Mileage: 48.7 Avg Temperature: high 60s (?) Disp Milage: 47.3 * I normally round to the nearset tenth, but didn't feel right rounding to 50.0 Brian
Just completed a 180 mile road trip getting 47MPG on the highway (70-75MPH). Then filled up at the local Sam's and got 63MPG in the city on the way home. Beat that CBS!
Tank miles: ............... 484 .... 408 ..... 418 ..... 480 Overall Miles: ............ 2136 .. 2544 .. 2962 .. 3442 Avg Tank Mileage: ..... 49.88 Avg Overall Mileage: .. 48.03 Avg Temperature: ..... ~75 degrees Price per Tank: .......... $17.17 Avg Price per Gallon: .. $1.91 On running a quick Excel spreadsheet check on all postings here, it looks my numbers are right at the overall average for everyone here (I tossed a couple of unrealistically high 'flyers' to get this average (I suspect the Prius sold in Japan gets better mileage than the Prius sold here - probably a different configuration).
Date: 5/16/2004 Tank miles: 402 Total miles: 4917 Gallons: 8.00 NAV MPG: 50.1 Calc MPG: 50.3 May avg MPG: 49.3 Avg LMPG: 46.37 $/gal: 1.939 Now getting over 50MPG on all tanks! 80-90% highway at 65-75 MPH. 75 degrees F.
5 fillups for May: 2394 miles 47.368 gallons 51.7 avg mpg best tank - 571 mi, 10.581 gallons, 55mpg -m.
May Totals/Averages Total May miles: 1503 miles Total May Fuel 27.07 gallons Avg May Mileage: 55.5mpg Avg Temperature: ~70 degrees F Lifetime Totals/Averages Total Lifetime Miles:8273 miles Total Lifetime Fuel:171 gallons Avg Overall Mileage: 48.3mpg Tank 1 Tank miles: 513 miles Tank Fuel: 9.06 gallons Avg Tank Mileage: 57.5 comp./56.6 calc Tank 2 Tank miles: 470 miles Tank Fuel: 9.25 gallons Avg Tank Mileage: 53.4 comp./ 50.8 calc. Tank 3 Tank miles: 517 miles Tank Fuel: 8.76 gallons Avg Tank Mileage: 57.2 comp./59.0 calc!! :clap:
MAY MPG AVGs Tank miles: 2403 Overall Miles: 12523 Avg Tank Mileage: 51.1 Avg Overall Mileage: 48.4 Avg Temperature: 70