This is a fun feel-good thread. Ours isn't quite new anymore, at the 6 month mark. We love the car. It's loads better than the one it replaced, and we loved that Accent. You can tell they've made a zillion of these c's, so many little details taken care of; almost all the bugs worked out. Such a tight production! Today I got to take a long drive, the first with the new winter tires loaded. I still love how quiet and smooth the car is. Even when I've got my foot down and the engine revving hard, it's smoother and quieter than a lot of other cars. The new tires have dinged the highway MPG a little, but we bought them for traction. Loaded on steel wheels the new road feel is great- makes the car seem even heavier and more solid. It really soaks up pavement imperfections and medium bumps instead of transmitting them to the body.