I bet he gets a better job somewhere else. If he's been on disability and they fired him without prior disciplinary actions (like written warnings for the same type of issue) they are treading on thin ice....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Aug 29 2007, 09:36 PM) [snapback]504078[/snapback]</div> I have appreciated your posts. Like the others I offer my hopes for the best. Opportunities are out there, and I have been lucky when career changes/redirections happened. Again, keep on giving each other the support you need. It's how my Bride of 14 years and I help each other and I can recommend it to anyone.
Oh, life is such a b!tch sometimes, isn't it? If you can gain something positive, it sounds like boss#1 (or maybe it's boss#2, depending on how you look at it) is willing to be a good reference. There's gotta be another half dozen Toyota dealerships within an hour's drive. I bet he finds work before the unemployment kicks in.
I keep hearing how there's a crying need for competent auto and diag techs. He's gotta be able to land somewhere. I cannot imagine why jacobson is allowing themselves to hemhorrage good people like that, though -- who do they expect to work on *any* of the cars and not screw it up, let alone the hybrids? . Best of luck on how the future goes. Both of you totally rock, and that's gotta have its own reward lurking somewhere... . _H*
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dogfriend @ Aug 30 2007, 11:49 AM) [snapback]504084[/snapback]</div> I don't know what the labour laws are like in your area, but certainly I would consider talking to a lawyer about unfair dismissal. Also, if the back problem can be attributed to anything to do with the job, then this would be further ammunition for the lawyer. It does not get you over the immediate problem of just living, but it would surely give you the satisfaction in the long run. Good luck in finding another position.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(AussieOwner @ Aug 30 2007, 05:45 PM) [snapback]504203[/snapback]</div> This was the case here in Australia until Johnny Howard and his business mates thought we would be better off with more American industrial relations laws. Good luck finding alternative work, keep Prius fixin. I'm a motor mechanic by trade but am no longer in the field. I hated my last 10 years in the trade mostly due to the moron I worked for. I used the skills I developed as a mechanic/diagnostician to find a job outside the trade and got paid $10,000 PA more. I feel like I'm valued where I am and I work at my pace in interesting work. My skin on my hands is much better and no lost skin from knuckles any more. My last job I had 3 pay increases in 10 years, this job I have had 9 pay rises in 7 years and another coming in October. Keep an open mind, and check all options. I'm now earning $22,000 more PA than I did in my last year as a mechanic. I love it!!
You haven't arrived until you've been fired.....or so goes the saying around Hollywood. Having personally lost a job after proposing to my wife then buying a house, I can say that it was scarey, but that only lasted a little while. Very soon after, I started making more for the same kind of work. Funny how one door closes, and another one opens. GL in the near future....sounds like you won't need it though. Hybrid technology is here to stay, and those that master its maintenance, will be productive and well paid. Out here in Kelly-phone-ya, there are more prii than you can shake a stick at...or whatever you shake at a Prius. And I might add, focus your energy on the future, and leave the wet work to the demons.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dogfriend @ Aug 29 2007, 03:14 PM) [snapback]503934[/snapback]</div> Thanks for the picture. My description of the banged up part left a lot to be desired, but I see it's in there at the rear.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Aug 29 2007, 10:39 AM) [snapback]503744[/snapback]</div> I am truly sorry for your current loss of income and Job. If you have an ebay account I can send you a few bucks to start that new garage/service center or to just help out until he finds something new. If each of the active members give $20 each then he could start his own shop and be in business in no time. The two of you have been more than helpful enough on this site to get folks out of some pretty tight jams. My personal email is [email protected] We can post the link to give on every forum on the board. It would be equivalent to a soda a day for each of us for a month(or less than a tank of gas) but would make a great spring board for you guys. Just my approach to make a positive from a negative.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(D Rock @ Aug 30 2007, 09:55 PM) [snapback]504645[/snapback]</div> I'd gladly give $20. How do we get this started, and would such a thing be permitted by this board? In the meanwhile I'll PM galaxee.
folks... we deeply appreciate the thought. but we have broken down and accepted help from our friends here once in the past, and do not wish to make a habit of it. because even once was hard to swallow. and the way i see it, well, crap just continually happens to us and i see no reason for it to discontinue. it's one thing after another. next time will be something else, and it'll probably be before the end of the year. i dread to think what else could go wrong, but i know it will despite all our best efforts to find and live in peace and stability. so again, it is profoundly touching to us. and i mean that from the bottom of my aching little heart. but i don't feel that we could accept the very kindhearted and best meaning offers discussed here. i hope you understand. i sincerely do. we have always been better at giving than receiving.
Well, I hope you do accept the offer from the "little" boss to call his connections and get DH a job. I'll bet it will be a better one, too.
A woman was in her home when she heard a warning on the radio: there was a flood warning; everyone was to leave their residence as a matter of life and death. The woman did not leave. She knew God would rescue her. As the water came up, she moved all her important belongings to the second floor and stayed in her house. A man came by in a row boat offering to take her to safety. The woman refused; she knew that God would save her. The water eventually engulfed her entire house and she retreated to the roof. As she stood there, a helicopter hovered overheard offering a ladder. The woman stood her ground and refused to abandon her home completely confident that God would come to her rescue. When the water covered her roof, the woman was swept away. Unable to fight the currents, she drowned. As she stood in Heaven, God approached to welcome her. Disgusted, she accosted him, "when I needed you, you were not there to help me!" God replied, "I sent you a radio broadcast. I sent you a man in a boat. I sent a helicopter. What more did you want from me?"
Galaxee, sorry to hear about your recent events. You do have a few options, some of which have been mentioned already: 1. Try a free or low-cost consultation visit with a recommended attorney (if you haven't already) to see what your legal options are. 2. Look for employment opportunities at independent garages. Tao Auto here in Raleigh currently doesn't have anyone trained to work on the Prius. I called another place and he was practically bragging about how he had a fully-trained Toyota tech hired away from the dealer just 6 months ago. 3. If nothing else works, get your story into the newspaper or TV. Again, sorry to hear about it.
If this back injury was work related you need to file a workers comp claim. It may not be too late, I think you have 6 mos. Contact the workers comp office in your state to find out what your rights are. I know someone that hurt their back at work and did not report it for 5 months and got nothing but greif from the employer, but began receiving checks within 2 weeks of reporting the injury. An attorney was not used.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(amhobby @ Sep 25 2007, 10:34 AM) [snapback]517383[/snapback]</div> A truely excellent suggestion. The engineer sitting next to me at work hurt her back a couple of years ago while shifting a heavy instrument. Our supervisor spent most of his time for the next several weeks filling out forms and reports, many related to state required workers comp documentation. She even got a new high-end egronomic chair out of the deal and a parade of people from facilities to see if there were any issues to be resolved to prevent a future occurance. Now Mark Jacobson isn't going to go overboard in "helping" the injured like my co-worker's experience, but I bet that they would face a pile of paperwork. - Tom
the dealer got rid of you because you were a liability to them, you should take this up to the higher level
it wasn't a work-related injury. though repetitive motion and heavy lifting certainly was no help, this had been going on long before he took the job at the dealership. we've been aggressively treating the problem for about 18 months now anyway. [sigh]
Galaxee, I used to work in the Human Resouce department of a local company (now retired). When a person has a disability, such as a bad back, and the company is notified, they must by law (FLMA) provide a position or environment that would be conducive for his condition. Did he request FLMA leave for his recent surgery or medical leave? That would document that he had the problem. Maybe you can call the local government offices and request information about this. I wish I had been able to talk to you before he was fired. Also, I thought about how he was fired...was there something written that he was supposed to talk to somebody special to call in sick? If not, he might be considered being fired out of retaliation for being off so much. I know in Indiana, it is an "at will" state which means they don't need a reason to fire someone, but there are laws (like FLMA) that they have to follow. I know that lawyers cost a lot of money which probably wouldn't be something you want to deal with right now. The little time I have been on this site, you have helped many people with your valuable and technical advice. So if people want to give you $20, can't you just let them give you that little something as a token of their appreciation? Tony Schaefer is right, God wants to help us through lots of sources if we let Him, maybe this is how He wants to help you. God doesn't close one door without opening another. It is easier to give than receive, but give us the chance to give to you...you know how good that feels and besides God will bless us for helping you. You don't want to rob us of that, do you? I'm sure your husband will be happier with a new position somewhere else and with his knowledge and experience, it shouldn't be hard to get. The company sounds like they didn't appreciate him or anybody. It is a very good idea for him to get a letter of reference from his previous boss or bosses because as you know when people change jobs a previous boss might not be there in the future to call, the letter might prove to be very useful both now and in the future. Come to Indiana, we would love to have a great hybrid diagnostic expert. Wonder if your credits for your degree can be transferred? Just a thought! I'm so sorry you have had such bad luck recently...hang in there.