Korkiley, the above statement is reversed. All clear auto glass blocks UVB reasonably well, but not UVA... That's why you won't get a burn but still are at increased risk of skin cancer the longer you spend on the car. Driving is why we see more skin cancers on the left side of the face than the right. In addition, saying "99% UV blocking" is not saying much if you don't specify UVA blockage. I got my windows tinted today actually, and the installer (Sal at Perfect Auto Tint in Costa Mesa, CA - highly recommended) showed me a Madico spec sheet for their clear UV film (CLS-200-X). It showed that clear glass blocks most all UVB (290-320nm) but not much UVA at all (320-400nm). The "standard tint" curve showed almost complete protection from 290-360nm, 95% block at 380nm, 80% at 390nm, and about 50% at 400nm (end of UVA and start of visible violet light). Their clear film blocks 99+% until 380nm and 80% at 400nm. I would assume the HSEA glass does UVA blocking, otherwise it would be no better than standard glass that blocks UVB. But how "broad spectrum" that UVA blocking is, that's not clear. A single % value of "UV block" doesn't tell us the whole story. If anyone has access to the solar spectrum curves please let me know. The windshield is better than the side windows and the pitch of the glass helps as well. I still advocate window film, be it clear or tinted, to my patients whether they have UV glass, privacy glass, factory tint, or nothing. Most tint manufacturers don't seem to make this full UV blockage data available, so if anyone has access to it for various films please let me know. I am sure most standard films are similar to what Madico is talking about in their literature, but I'd really like to see curves for ceramics.