Yes. No, I got the info from Google earth afterwards. I also used GE to measure the distances travelled. Yes. I mentioned a stop in each leg of the trial so that readers would know that there was a stop. The stop would change the FC from travelling without a stop but I consider the difference over the distances I travelled negligible. When writing the report, I thought I might be questioned on what I considered rolling hill as opposed to mountain driving. The real consideration was to what speed the car accelerated to going downhill. Once I had to lift off on the throttle to remain under 120 km/h, otherwise I let the speed build up to a figure less than that. Obviously, if cruising at a lower speed the hills can be steeper or longer without terminating the glide early because of exceeding the speed limit. Therefore, the difference between hill and mountains is unimportant. Just change cruise speeds and the max speed to suit the conditions and how much over the speed limit you are willing to go.
If you get a chance to pickup a portable GPS unit, say a Garmin nuvi, it is fairly easy to extract the trip log and convert to a stream of longitude, latitude and altitudes. No problem. The trick I like to use is to follow heavy trucks and use them as a pacing vehicle. I don't follow closely because they kick up windshield damaging pebbles. However, commercial truck speed profiles are perfect for our 1.5L Prius and following traffic smoothly passes us as they look forward to pass the trucks. I suspect the 1.8L will do as good if not better. Sad to say, our last trip to Nashville, 217 km, my wife left late and at one point I saw 150 km/h (ahem!) Again, thanks for an excellent report. Bob Wilson