I had the same problem when I first bought the car, but(t) it went away. Like many others have already said, I also think it's the seat position.
Isn't it funny that when someone posts a problem about the Prius all these folks come out of the woodwork to disagree. Funny there are some folks actually putting more foam into the seats after two years, isn't that a manufacturing defect? Face it the interior design and placement of the functional controls are not designed with ergonomic engineering attributes.
Seat design, like all design, is a trade-off: size, weight, cost, target user size, and level of comfort. You can't have all at the same time. A luxury car will use bigger, heavier, and more costly seats, allowing for more cushion and more adjustment. Prius seats, on the other hand, need to be small, light, and relatively cheap. It's not an error or design oversight, it's a deliberate decision. The reason for differing comments is differing body shapes and levels of tolerance. Some people have a body size that works with the current Prius seats; some don't. Tom
qbee42 - I can't disagree more .... go sit in a base Jeta without PS. Maybe it is a platform problem and to redesign the seat would require recertification on the crash tests - something has to be the reason this has not been fixed Hopefully when they redesign the whole platform they fix the seat and the steering wheel interaction problem. The dash display - especially the MPH should be in front of the driver ....also.
Maybe the people posting that they get a sore nice person or legs should post some spec's on their body size like inseam length waist, weight, whatever so people reading can come up with a idea on why certain people don't fit the seats. I'm 5'8" 180lb 32 waist 32 inseam and I fit the seats perfect I also don't carry anything in my pockets while driving. Mike
I'm a little under 6' -- 180lb ... and a lot of the people who drive our cars are similar .... I bought this as a company car ... and I drive it on the weekends as an extra car. One of our drivers who did not like the seat was in comparison to his new Hyundai -- I think it is a Sonata -- small four door. As I indicated -- the Prius is getting a strange demographic. I drive a Jaguar during the week ..... I'm not expecting the Prius to be as comfortable.
I'm 5' 6.5" - 127# - around 32 inseam. On long drives, my tailbone gets a bit sore, or I'll have a "cheek" get numb. I find if I shift around a bit that helps, and also if I move the position of my left leg from resting on the footrest, to bent at a 90º angle instead of staying in one position, helps a lot. I also noted that if I adjust the height of the seat (using the odd lever, which might only be on the IV and V), the angle it sits at is more pleasing. I usually try to keep driving until someone else in the cars needs a potty break, but if it's too uncomfortable, I just pull over, walk around a bit and get back in and drive. I know, however, that I have hip issues, and neck/shoulder issues so I don't expect much from any vehicle. I <3 my Prius!!
Once again, this is your opinion. It's a valid opinion, but it applies only to you. Others have different builds: long arms, short arms, big butts, small butts. The Jeta seat might be great for you but not for me. The alternative is fully adjustable seats and steering wheels, but this adds weight and cost. Without those it becomes an effort to design for a particular group of drivers. An argument could be made that the Prius was originally designed for Japanese drivers, who typically have shorter legs and smaller stature. If this is the case, perhaps Toyota needs a US seat. As for me, the seats work fine. Tom
Qbee42 -- this obviously does not only apply to me ........ Have you tried out the current base Jeta seat? I used the Jeta because it is often mentioned for the seat and driving ergonomics -- and it is a 23k car. Obviously -- you can't be all things to all people -- and for what I need the current seat is adequate ... but I would not have bought car if I needed it for longer trips. Toyota is definitely losing sales because of the seats -- and since they are discounting the cars to the degree that they are --- they are not selling like they would like them to .
I probably shouldn't comment. But over the years, I've noticed in Prius Chat that every few months (or less), someone has a problem with The Prius seats. So we get repeated "Seat Problem" threads and posts. It happens enough, and repeatedly that I have to conclude that Prius Seats are simply not the very best in this regard, for a lot of people. I also conclude that it probably has a lot to do with a lot of individual and personal factors. Physical Condition of the Individual, Natural Posture, Arm Length, Leg Length, pick em...because not everyone is displeased. But what I don't understand the seeming amount of people that can't find resolution. There are SO MANY products available in the realm of seat cushions and back support that it seems to me one way or another you can adapt your seat in almost any way you wish. I owned a pick-up once with just flat bench seats. Absolutely nothing. And admittedly on a drive lasting more than 2 hours? It became uncomfortable. But even with that most spartan seating, I was able to buy a seat attachment, that had lumbar support and cushions. These similar "seat cover" options exist in mass at any Wal-Mart, or major shopping store. So am I wrong to think that even if I found myself unhappy with the long term aspects of The Prius seat, I couldn't adapt it? I mean, if I can find a way to make an almost totally unadjustable bench seat comfortable, I find it hard to beleive I couldn't through experimentation simply find the perfect amount of foam or cushion to make the Prius Seat acceptable.
I think most people wouldn't tear into their car to make physical changes. They drive them from A-B and that's it; just transportation Mike ..
Yes, but I think Seat Comfort can be adapted very easily. I mean you can add more cushion, simply by buying a cushion. You don't HAVE to make physical changes. I've just owned many vehicles, and even those with uncomfortable seats, I never was so stumped that I couldn't find a seat cover, cushion or addition that didn't easily fix the problem. For less than 30 bucks you can buy a seat addition that massages and heats.... There is a staggering amount of products designed to make any chair, or seat more comfortable. They don't require anything but placing on the seat.
Tried out a Prius 3/4 at the dealer today and it is TOTALLY the angle and height of the seat. Problem can be fixed with the Prius power seats providing more adjustment and support under the thighs which takes pressure off the butt. A $6K "fix" to swap cars. I work with a lot of wheel chair techs so I'm sure I'll find a cheaper solution.
While the power seat does help some drivers to feel more comfortable -- it does not solve the problem ... I have been having some employees try out the 12 this past week and we have the same problem as the 11. You must try out the seats for an extended drive prior to purchasing a Prius -- the seats are very flat and thin .......some people have a hard time with them.
Not something folks would think about doing with a vehicle purchase. We get in, take a 10-15 mile ride, maybe a couple times and does it feel comfortable. I didn't notice the seat on those rides. Only when driving for 30-60 minutes did it become apparent. A hidden flaw. I noticed that the dealership parts dept prominently displays and sells adder seat backs and cushions so it must a common (and profitable) complaint. The seat sits low, even cranked up all the way, and put people's legs up taking weight off the back of the thighs and onto the butt vs. distributing it evenly. They needed to bolster and extend the front of the seat to compensate. It's immediately noticeable with the power seats which directly address it with the 8 way adjustment.
The first thing I do when hopping in a rental Prii is lower the seat all the way. I have tried it elevated but it is not the driving position I like for any length trip. I like the low rider position Mike
Has anyone, who feels that their driver's seat is less than comfortable, had the front of the seat raised with shims or other means? I believe that would make the seat fit my upper legs and back much more comfortably.
Best thing would probably be adjust a power seat for comfort and then take measurements, angles to see what could be done to fix the manual seat.
I went to a back store this weekend and tried out the tush-Cush. I may get one. Amazon sells them too. It's a wedge shape with a cutout for your tailbone.