Should be very survivable for those who are not old/infirm since the car and restraints are designed for this type of impact. I've literally walked away from a hit like that in a small car and a friend of mine (already mentioned) also walked away from a head on. Bruising, sore, etc. but no need for medical attention. There is greater likelihood of broken neck, back, ruptured aorta, other major organ damage as you age. Given the choice in hitting something head on or on the corner I'll take the head on. The worst hit I've taken was in the front corner by a truck driver blowing a light in an icestorm (Texans are horrible drivers when it comes to snow and ice...I did everything I could to avoid driving in weather like that after my first experience of watching the locals after a light snow.) Twisted my head/neck so badly that if I had been elderly it probably would have killed me. I walked away, but felt the effects of that one for years.
I was working contract in SE Texas some years ago. One of my co-workers had a hand-printed poster that read: Texans, watch for ice on bridge. All others: watch for Texans watching for ice on bridge.