Lots of details at NTSB: Boeing outsourced key 787 battery safety analysis | Business & Technology | The Seattle Times.
Thanks for the article. From the article: Internally within Boeing, they may claim the subs are responsible, but outside of Boeing, Boeing is responsible for the reliability and safety of the entire aircraft. Boeing choose the sub contractors, gave the subs the requirements and accepted their work. Boeing is learning the hard way the bean counter mentality penny pinching during the design and test process is an expensive mistake.
Same exact thought here. For the thousands of years that farming out work has been around, economic incentives have never changed. It must be an impossible lesson to learn what motivates the subcontractor when the prime is motivated by the exact same thing....$$$. (Prime - If I have the sub pay for the certification then I don't have to pay. Sub - If I have the parts maker pay for the certs, then I don't. Part Maker - If I have the material supplier pay for the certs, the I don't. Material Supplier - If I have the raw material vendor pay for certs, then I don't. Material Supplier - If I have Cleatus verify the material, I don't. Cleatus --- Smells like lithium to me. Done.)