It amazes me that people could be so stupid and cruel as to force left-handed kids to write (and do other stuff) right-handed. With people who would do such a thing, no wonder we've got W in the White House. I'm right handed, so I didn't have to endure that particular form of abuse. Ham radio operators sometimes have "QLF" contests. That stands for "quick left foot," and the contest is to send morse code with the left foot on a large code key. You get points for speed and you lose points for errors. I won such contests on a couple of occasions. I also won a contest sending code with a mouth-operated "bug" which in this version transmitted a string of dits when you blew into a straw and transmitted a dah when you sucked on the straw. Built for quadraplegics, someone brought it to a hamfest I attended.
I think we're past that now, at least here, but some of the abuses that have gone on in the name of education are truly horrifying. Kids removed from their families, forbidden to speak their own language, abused physically, emotionally, and wonder society has the problems it does. Ah, "civilisation"....
I'm considered a lefty but don't really conform. I write left handed and became left eye dominant at age 10 through my own stupidity. I now shave left handed which started at age 18 when I broke my collar bone. Oh and I type left hand dominant, if that makes sense. Everything else is right handed; hitting, throwing, strength and I even drive better in a right drive car.
I'm a righthander, my son is left handed when it comes to writing but lots of things he does right handed. I think I was one who was forced to write right handed but I think I was undecided anyway. To remember which hand is my right I have to think which hand I hold a pen in. Maybe I'm just dumb.
Nah, I have had to stop to think about which hand is right especially since boot camp. All that emphasis on leading with the correct foot when marching just made it more difficult somehow...... I have two out of three children that are lefties. I watched my Mother-in-law keep moving a spoon from right to left hand when my oldest was a baby, but the kid would just move it back to the left hand to eat again. I admit that I found that very amusing! My knew I wasn't going to force my kids to become anything that wasn't natural for them. But was interesting teaching how to tie shoes and crochet!