Saw a red Leaf today on 85 north. Saw a blue Leaf going 85 south in the carpool lane and another (?) blue Leaf near Foothill College.
Wow, quite a few sightings today despite me not driving very far. Saw a white one w/roof rack (a first) near where I live. Saw a silver one and maybe the same silver one again. Then, near where I lived, I saw a red one. Still hardly seeing any Volts.
Saw a blue Leaf in south SJ parked in a handicapped spot near Office Depot. It looks like it later moved to a handicapped spot in near a nearby Home Depot. Saw at least a Leaf or two in the previous two days.
Saw two Leafs today and a Volt. Still not seeing many of the latter. I've been seeing at white Leaf at Foothill College in one of the staff spots. I'm taking a class there right now.
Saw a two red Leafs the other day. It might've been the same car. Saw a read Leaf today getting on 87 south right near San Jose airport. It was moving at quite a clip.
Saw two blue Leafs today sorta near where I live. They were going opposite directions so I don't think they were the same car. Saw a black Leaf in East San Jose today too.
I found a leaf outside the Syracuse NY auto show. I was exited about sitting in a Prius c but it was a no show. I did get to sit in the leaf and I liked it. I'm 6 feet tall and there was 4 inches to spare and it was very easy getting in and out. The buttons/joysticks on the steering wheele made it feel like you could play video games on it. Set phasers to kill! Oops, I saw that OP wanted sightings in the wild. Can you change the title to reflect that?
Just got back from Stavanger, Norway where i saw several leafs . I was talking to the local dealer who has sold 100 since last october, he would have sold more but for a lack of inventory. Then again , when you do the currency conversion / liters to US gallon, in Norway gas is $10.00 a gallon ( nope,that's not a typo)
Now that the Leaf is starting to be common (gas prices not doubt helping with that) we need to start another "Sighting thread" here ya go. Spotted while doing charge station survey for Plugin America at LOTT treatment plant in downtown Oly
I saw three yesterday -- one light blue on the west side, two blacks on the east side. I'm jaded enough to no longer report just one or two, and am not currently not visiting the eastside heart of Leaf territory more than a two or three times per month.
Not common at all in my area. I only see one around (mine!). I still keep a lookout for volts and will anxiously await sightings of the PiP
not "real" common around here either but see at least a few every day now if driving around Olympia, especially downtown. Went and plugged in yesterday, going to place that had 3 charging stations passing up another across the street that only had one because i could see from the corner that it was already taken and this is what i found
^^ Four charging stations on one block, all taken? It is quite heartening to see that much demand already.
Saw a blue one parked at Vallco today. Was with my parents and pointed the car out to them again. We'd seen one in that same parking structure before maybe a month or two ago. Back then, I also pointed it out to them and they took a more careful look.
Even better; Yesterday a Seattlite Stopped for Lunch and both charging stations were being occupied. they were positioned so any of two spaces on each station could plug in. so he parked. went in to eat and within 15 minutes, got notification that he was plugged in!
Saw a white Leaf, a blue one, a black one and another (or the same?) white one. Saw 0 Volts today. The white and black ones were in south San Jose and the blue one was near Campbell on highway 17 south. As usual, I saw the insane # of monstrosity class SUVs running around, almost all of them being driven solo or w/minimal cargo and passengers. I spotted a solo driven Hummer H2. The other day, I saw a lifted Ford F-350 w/a huge smoke stack mounted in the bed (at least a foot or two in diameter). Kind of around area, I see a bunch of these jokers w/lifted trucks and vertical exhausts in their bed. I guess that sort of thing is the "in thing" over the last few years. Someone on another forum estimated that in the Bay Area that Leafs outnumber Volts 5:1. To me, it's more like 10:1 or more.