Just spotted a red Leaf coming off of the Ohio Turnpike (I-80) in Amherst, Ohio--approximately 30 miles west of Cleveland--as I was getting on the turnpike. Can't wait to get a good used one a couple of years
wow, Ohio?? they are really starting to spread. now that the Volt is supposed to be back in production, we will have to see how sales figures stack up for the next two months
Saw the leaf before I saw this thread. It was Mon Sep 12th I think (or maybe it was the Fri before). Either way it was white heading through Solway towards Oak Ridge (AKA the Secret City, AKA the Atomic City). Oak Ridge, Tennessee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I do believe it had civilian tags on it. Don't remember the county on the plate but I'd assume Knox or Blount. Officially that stretch is hwy 62 so it would be described as a east west highway but from the map/birds eye view you would say the leaf was going northwest at the time of the sighting. I still haven't seen a Volt in TN but with ORNL and the whole tech corridor (Tennessee Valley Corridor : A Premier Science & Technology Center) here I wouldn't be dumbfounded to see any electric vehicle here.
In Los Gatos today, I saw a black Leaf. In the afternoon, as usual, I saw a the sea of monstrosity SUVs (Escalades, Sequoias, Suburbans or GM extended length SUVs). There were at least two (possibly) three Hummer H2s. One was driven by a tiny woman w/two small kids. The H2 was too wide for the parking spot and had no choice but to be over the lines. Threre was a Yukon hybrid amongst them.
Saw a black Leaf in Los Gatos today (probably seen this one before). Saw a white Leaf in south San Jose and we both headed towards Almaden Valley as well.
Saw a blue Leaf w/HOV stickers on Murphy Ave in Sunnyvale. It was getting into a VERY tight parking space. I saw it leave a few hours later...
While vacationing in a land of F250s last week, I saw none. But back home this week, sighting was very productive: a dozen Leafs in five days, only two of them common semi-regulars. At least one Leaf every day, and three 3-Leaf days. And with a return to pedal commuting, which had been mostly abandoned following an injury four months ago, about half were spotted along my bike route, in areas not on any of my driving routes.
Driving between Franklin & Nashville TN today. Saw a glacier pearl Leaf pull onto the street, and head south. Can't find a charge port to save my life ... but at least I saw one Leaf while we're back here visiting our daughter & grandson.
I've been totally remiss in responding to my own thread. This is nowhere near a complete list but I can go many days w/o seeing a single Leaf. On 9/28, I saw a silver one on 85 south near Sunnyvale and a white one in Almaden Valley (probably the same one I've seen before a bunch of times). On 10/5, I saw a red one in Almaden Valley. Yesterday, I saw a white Leaf again in Almaden Valley. Today, I saw a black one in south SJ.
i actually now "know" of 4 Leafs that are not part of MNL or FB running around Oly. 2 are medical people (cars parked at St. Peters in Olympia) one is a teacher parked at Komachin middle school and another is probably a State Worker who parks regularly downtown. i am sure there are many more. i have talked with Oly Nissan dealer who states about 60 have been sold with more than a dozen in the Olympia Area
Saw a blue one in south San Jose yesterday. It was way off in the distance but looked like it didn't have plates yet, so it'd be different than the 2-3 known blue ones running around my area. Still haven't seen any more Volts in the Bay Area other than the lone one I saw a few months ago.
DaveinOly wrote: i have talked with Oly Nissan dealer who states about 60 have been sold with more than a dozen in the Olympia Area My 2011 Nissan Leaf this week; 154.7 miles; LT; 10,162.2 miles @2.81 CPM. (2.95 MTD) fuel cost; weekly $6.69 Lifetime $276.31 //////////// litesong wrote: Hi Dave...... While looking at a 2012 Versa at the Everett dealer, the salesman said they had sold 7 Leafs in the last month. I saw a blue Leaf near Cascade College between Bothell & Woodinville 6 weeks ago. It carried 4 people, & we waved furiously at each other. I saw another blue Leaf one week ago in downtown Everett, only about 4 miles from the Everett dealer. A red Leaf went by me, well north of Woodinville yesterday. fueleconomy.gov calculates a rough fuel equivalent mpg on the gov't website. If I had any accuracy at all, does your Leaf put out about 136 mpg equivalent? I'd like to get an EV with a range of 200miles. That would allow the battery pack to drain slower, which would be excellent for pack life. I could get over Steven's Pass to Leavenworth(maybe?), altho the drain would be terrible going up the 4000+ foot pass.
a "MPG" rating for a Leaf has to be based on a standard. if using my Prius averaging about 50 mpg, then, ya 136 mpg for the Leaf is close. look at my signature. i use a cost per mile formula as a direct comparison to illustrate the differences between my gas/electric situation. i think the comparison is valid since both cars are similar in function and size. comparing the cost to a larger less efficient car is a bit over the top. as far as the additional range question; that can be done but i am not willing to pay for it. it is simply too much money for something that i would rarely use. there are plans for QC stations on your route which would allow a boost to make the trip easily. granted, a bit down the road. (i think) now, WA DOT published a report stating several to go online before the end of this month. still no word on any of them, but these will be installed along I-5 north of Everett, south of Olympia and a few going East on I-90 and highway 2. granted, not all the way to Spokane but wouldnt take the Leaf for a trip like that anyway. but being able to go to Snoqualmie would be awesome
Saw white Leafs twice today but it might've been the same car. Both times were in south San Jose. I also had my 3rd CA Volt sighting ever, also in south SJ. They're still very rare here.
Saw two Leafs in south SJ today within a short period of time. One was silver and the other was blue. The blue one was likely one of two that I know of running around in my area.
Saw two Leafs today going south on highway 85, one in the Cupertino area. One was red and the other was white. The white one got off on Almaden Expressway going south as I did and I think is the same one(s) I've seen running around in my general area. This time it was woman driver but I've sometimes seen a male driver of it. It also had the rear head restraints removed, presumably for better visibility (was a complaint brought up at the SF BayLeaf meeting w/the Nissan engineering team, including chief vehicle engineer Kadota-san present).
saw my first one in chestnut hill, ma the other day! had no idea what it was. my brain said, "what is that weird looking car over there?" aha!