Saw a new silver Leaf in my area today. It didn't have plates yet. I guess he might've been one of the ~370 that sold last month. I've been remiss at updating this thread w/my sightings. I've definitely seen a bunch since my previous post.
Saw 4-5 Leafs today and 2 PiPs on the road. This was my 1st sighting ever of PiPs on the road other than the ones I'd seen at GDE and at a recent Priuschat meet. Saw 1 Volt too.
I saw a Leaf charging yesterday in a parking lot in Burbank California. This Leaf had Washington license plates and the license frame said it was from Seattle Washington. How did that car make it all the way to Southern California?
plugged it in. a bit longer than most but that is how it works. WA to CA is not that much of a challenge. CA to WA to BC to THAT is a challenge!! My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - Mexico to Canada via Electric Highway
I saw a Leaf today, which is odd for 2 reasons: the Leaf is not sold in Mississippi, and it is over 55 miles between towns here, so it has to take some time to drive through the area..
I saw a Leaf today on the Garden State Parkway (NJ), doing 60 MPH in the middle lane. It had a Michigan license plate. That road trip must have taken a while!
Wouldn't advise that for too long but I have had my Leaf up to 80 for a few I-75 miles. At local driving speeds I've gotten 100 miles on a couple of charges.
Not only did I see a blue Leaf today in Morgan Hill, CA, the driver was sitting in his car for some reason. He's apparently a MNLer that I've PMed before and also had some online "conversations" with via posts there. I figured I'd approach him since he had a license plate frame and I'm active there.
I bought a picnic table off Craigslist out in Suffolk County, Long Island, in September, and when I went to pick it up the seller had a Leaf parked in the driveway. He said he found it the ideal vehicle for his short-distance high-traffic commute on the Island.
I've been remiss in updating this often but I didn't do much driving today (went out twice, not far from home) and saw 4 Leafs. They were black, blue, white and red. The white one was brand new w/Boardwalk Nissan placard still and no plates yet.
Saw a Leaf in Fairfax Virgnia yesterday!!! Brave soul. I'd like to know his property taxes, but I think the Leaf (even PiP) depreciates a lot faster than regular Prius so the tax bite is not quite so bad as regular Prius.
2236 LEAFs sold in March and higher numbers expected for April. you might be seeing a lot more LEAFs soon!