if it's paid for , keep it if it is not paid for keep it KEEP IT gas is getting higher and prices of hybrid cars are going up again
Maybe I am just lucky, but my 2004 Prius and 1998 Lexus LS400 both bought at 110K miles, 6 and 9 years old, way out of warranty period. No issues so far after 125000 miles combined, just regular maintenance, including starter, struts at 145K, and oil change stuff. Toyota cars run for long long time if you maintain it properly. Good luck!
One, never buy an extended warranty on anything. It is one of the biggest profit businesses going. (BTW, one of the biggest consumer complaints involves getting a payment on an insurance claim!) Have a nice savings account instead. If you car is low mileage, it fits your needs (I.E. does it fit your family members), and are you happy with it, then why change? Our society wastes so much money on vehicles we don't need, and don't fit our lifestyles, it is sad. I, for one, refuse to play THEIR games. They want you to feel inferior because you don't have an SUV, or a late model car; why? Because someone makes a lot of $$$. You have a car that is probably paid for, uses little gas and releases little (for a vehicle) CO2 emissions. We need to start rethinking life on this planet. Start with NEED versus WANT.
I should probably add a bit more to my earlier suggestion given the research I've done. If you're on the east coast gas prices will still probably go up a bit and you'll have plenty of room to negotiate, but if you're on the west coast I think you should sell it sooner rather than later to get a good price. Gas prices in CA recently dropped about 35 cents/gallon, and once the BP refinery in WA gets going in April they'll probably drop below $4/gallon state-wide.
I BOUGHT a used Prius at triple the milage. Runs great. I just drove 1600 miles on it in a week. I think I paid 100 for gas.
Good job, what year and how much did you pay. I did just sell mine for 10K with 107,000 miles on it. it also ran perfect. :cheer2:
I paid 7k. It has a bad cat, which has no relevance because I managed to pass emissions tests, and needs some new suspension. There are a few other things but it is basically a fine car.
My 2005 prius II had over 208,000 before it was totaled. 52 mpg average. Was trying to reach 500k cause it ran beautiful (better than ever). Hope that helps. Although the new prius v is really nice too.
I have an '08 Prius with only 35K. I generally like to drive a fairly "new" car for reliability reasons. The warranty on mine expired and I didn't get an extended one. But the car still seems almost new, even smells fairly new. I'm going to keep it. I will say that I think they'll command a premium this summer, so if a guy is interested in selling that might not be a bad time. New ones are fairly available right now. I remember well the summer of '08 (I bought mine in December '07) when gas spiked just before the economic melt-down that fall, you couldn't find Prii and when they turned up they were selling for several thousand over MSRP. It was pretty insane. I had a guy come up to me in a parking lot that summer and offer to buy mine for $25K.....I'd paid $23K for it new. I turned him down.
Right, it'd get you a lot more power and much better handling but also be a MUCH higher fuel bill on an out of warranty (01-06) BMW that's also less reliable than a Prius. BMWs aren't exactly cheap to maintain and repair. You know one of the the jokes about BMW is that it stands for "Behold, My Wallet". The M3 is also classified as a subcompact vs. the midsized Prius and has way less interior volume for both the passengers and luggage. 06 M3 gets 17 mpg combined on premium (Compare Side-by-Side) and was subject to the "gas guzzler tax" when new. Troll much?
i bought a used 08 with only 32k miles on it. the previous owner had it into the dealer every 5k miles and they paid 29k for it new according to left over paper work. I paid less then half that and pretty much have a brand new car. only problem with me owning it is adding 40k miles a year to the odometer, but with the mpg it gets it takes a big bite out of the pain
Low milage sounds great, but also you might actually prefer a car driven steadily on the highway every week. If your low milage is from leaving the car garaged for weeks and months at a time this could result in problems in the battery from disuse?
UPDATE: I contacted Toyota Corporate and they did the following for me: 1) negotiated a lower repair bill for me with the dealer (~$4100 down to ~$3500) 2) shared the burden by giving me a $2300 rebate I then used a dealer "promotion" to take an additional 15% off my service bill. My net out of pocket was approximately $800!