"Nikki," eksclaimed Jackie, "I skored tickets for the Kinks at the Kingdome!" "Skookum," said Nikki, aka snookums, "I'll wear my kitschy khaki knickers."
'Kandi', said Khan, 'Kindly step over the Krusty The Clown doll, and then on your way over here, hand me the knife, so I can inspect it.' 'Okay', said Kandi, 'But would you like to see the Kaleidoscope I found, that has pictures of the Kangaroo in question; it's the rare one, that can type on the keyboard all of Kipling.'
Krusty the Klown was kicking 'round Kirksey, Kentucky when the KKK kept calling his kind into question, and the kept knocking him by calling him a Kosher kid. Krusty crept up and killed him with his khaki AK. He was consoled and contented.