So do ship and boat builders. Hundreds of Fathoms: EB Green Tape; the stuff of urban legends EB Green. Makes 100mph NASCAR tape look like masking tape. There are a lot of stories about the source of ledgend but most of them involve some variation of shipyard workers plugging a hole in the 'usta-fish' (everyone's last boat) without welding it by using EB (Electric Boat) green tape to hold the patch in place. Winters are COLD on the Groton waterfront, so I have no trouble believing THAT part of the story! Insulation and paint were applied with no one realizing the error until the boat left for sea-trials. Most of the stories I heard end with the crew discovering the error before the post-overhaul dive. Some variations involve the discovery as happening before they singled up lines to leave port. However (comma!!!!) I DO 'know a guy' who was on a boat that did their post-overhaul shakedown dive after the machinist mates shot the high salvage valves aft of the control room full of Termalene (Extreme Pressure) grease - and then failed to re-close the hull and backup valves for the grease line. That omission wasn't noted when the import red tags were cleared. It wasn't noted when the ship was rigged for dive. I can't say how deep the boat got before the error announced itself and was corrected but it was much deeper than I would have had on MY bingo card!!!! I can say that the grease made a much bigger mess than the seawater did and it only took a few seconds to find and close the valve. At least one set of skivvies 'allegedly' needed to be changed, but in the years since I first "heard about this" the story has probably changed considerably. "I'm Told" that the skipper had a heart to heart with several people over the incident but no official notice was taken.
Dang, I would've NEVER expected such a news story coming out from Toyota....leaving debris inside new engines? Many folks on YouTube have been posting of engine failures in their new Tundras....not good when you're paying around $70K for a truck. ===================== Toyota is recalling more than 100,000 current-gen Tundra pickups and Lexus LX SUVs in North America because machining debris may be loose inside their engines. This applies to certain 2022-2023 Tundra and LX models powered by the relatively new V6 twin-turbo. That engine has been subject to hefty skepticism over its reliability compared to the previous naturally aspirated V8s. Toyota says the debris could lead to issues including engine knock, rough running, no-start situations, and even sudden loss of power while driving at higher speeds, which can obviously increase the risk of a crash. The recall affects approximately 102,000 Tundra trucks and Lexus LX600 SUVs equipped with the V35A-FTS. Models within the '22-23 year range, powered by the gas-only 3.5-liter twin-turbo V6 are subject to the voluntary recall in North America, where they're part of the Tundra and LX's base configuration. The hybrid iForce Max pickups are not included in this recall. Source: We Finally Know Why the Toyota Tundra V6 Keeps Self-Destructing Many folks believe in doing early (break in) oil changes, I wonder if one would've helped remove the debris??? Hmmmm....might be worth investigating....(I'll be asking folks on YouTube who've had engine failures....some reported at around 7,000 were you waiting for 10,000 for your first oil change??
The oil pick up strainer would stop the swarf getting through the lubrication system, but probably hold the metal in the strainer mesh. A decent magnet on the sump plug would pick it up early, so that might be a good early upgrade to look at as a preventative move ....... In the high performance drag motors, the sump scavenger pump passes the oil through a large diameter screen so the "tea leaves" can be read to determine if engine failure is imminent ..... Nothing like finding metal spray particles in the mesh filter after the first pass to spoil the weekend ..... T1 Terry
He possibly had contacts with a wholesale outlet .... boom tish :lol: It is common practice to place a piece of copper scrap behind the weld when doing multi-layer mig welding on the truck/bus chassis, then grinding the "V" from that side and doing the other half of the join ... not how we were taught at trade school, but much better end result when X rayed, the layers look like they were placed from both side at the same time :lol: left the teacher slack jawed when the X Ray tests were published (well before the days of digital copy) the only digital involved back then were the ones on each hand T1 Terry
I was mostly drafting, then checking, in consulting engineering firms, but segued over to steel detailing for about a decade, when consulting engineering firms had slow down. Consulting never really picked up again fully, started contracting out swaths of responsibility, stuff we used to do in house, cutting corners.
I would think that the FOD would be aluminum....from the block machining - something I've poo-poo'd on a number of 'break-in oil' threads. I changed the oil on my 2023 GMC for the first time at 3k but I didn't worry about FOD swirling around in the oil sump - and there was no evidence in the oil or the filter. I use a 3-4k OCI. Actually it surprises me too... I've long been a critic of Toyota's corporate culture but I thought that debris left in an engine block was only the product of union paid workers hand assembling iron block engines in the rust belt back in the 70's. I spent three months searching for a Toyota last year and I wound up with a nearly bone stock 2023 GMC Sierra with a dimple on the front bumper for $36K (MSRP We have a lot of Tundra fanboys who gave me crap about it but I smiled and reminded a few of them that for the price difference I can almost buy ANOTHER Sierra if my transmission or motor grenades on me.
If I had to fabricate something, like about assemblers, it would be Toyota, being very automated, there were no union or non union humans checking the robots work.
+5% GST Elsewhere the receipt illustrates a remarkable fact of global food commerce. That bananas are amazingly low cost. Everywhere AFAICT.
Down here, grumbling about the shockingly high food inflation will get you flamed. Instead? We have 'Core inflation' numbers. Think: 'fake inflation numbers' before they are later "revised" into other fake inflation numbers and do NOT include things like food and energy.....I guess because they're so unimportant???? Both political parties engage in the same shell game - the only differences being in how those numbers are reported and whether or not the "revised numbers" are hidden or shouted from the mountain top.
Yeah I guess if somethings in short supply, mark up happens. Too, other veggies on the bill were cheap as dirt. Big bouquet of kale for example: $1.97 CDN. I’ll calm down.
Looks like Toyota (Canada at least) no longer makes paper sales brochures? Was looking to continue my Prius brochure collection, currently have 3rd and 4th gen. Best they got is "New Vehicle Product Summaries", in pdf format. A relatively terse summary paper, no mention of accessories, next to no pics. Progress I guess.
Weren't Gen 3 brochures also available depicting creepy clown flowers made out of humans? I remember most of these creepy ads were commercials, but I thought I'd seen paper brochures as well. IDK .
I've been considering replacing the pathetic horn in my 2021 Prius with a better one from Lexus. This morning, on my commute to work, had a small squirrel crossing the road so I slowed down and hit the horn. Run away? Heck no, the little guy stopped, stood up on his rear legs, and looked at me like a little grizzly bear! (I'm pretty sure he was giggling!) Yep, that horn is getting REPLACED!!!
OH - yea! Nothin worse than a worthless horn. Almost expected to be the case on little compact cars GENERALLY. Our Chevy Volt horn is a true exception. Really blasts. But our C-Class motorhome rides on the 3500 Sprinter Chassis & its horn is worthless. Nearly crushed a girl in her Fiat as she almost merged into our passenger side. Doubt she could even hear the horn. How can you NOT see a 25' motorhome looming over you?!? .
ARGH, those morons really chap my hide! I pull a 25-foot camper with my Tundra so always leave a safe stopping distance in traffic and WAY too many folks see that gap and think it's okay to speed around me and plug it up! Do you WANT me to plow into you???
Well to be fair, some of the people in these itty-bitty little cars have trouble seeing around your trailer and who wants to look at RSTRE for hours on end when following somebody's trailer? I feel ya but I also understand why people sometimes do what they do, even when it they don't understand physics. I will usually try to pass the trailer and whatever traffic plug is in front of the trailer.