Just installed my 2nd user enginer 4 kwh kit.

Discussion in 'Prius PHEV Plug-In Modifications' started by glyndwr, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    everything you wrote was very helpfull, and for a change in a language that makes sense, I pluged it in as is, figured I'd try to get a charge in, I don't have the kill a watt or any other toys yet, I will soon, neither did I bother to drain them even yet, I have 2 leds on the charger on, and a third one outside the car, the display is showing that is climing fast, last I checked was at 60% within a mater if minutes, I'm sure that is not acurate, mostly because it's pluged in, there is a fan running, sounds like the charger and I asume it's normal, I'm told it will take about 4 hours so I am watching the clock, are the leds supposed to turn off when charge is complete?
    and when you speak of checking which cell trips the pack first, do you mean you sit there and watch the display as it charges/discharge, for that matter?
    I shall definately tinker with it, and if there is some wrong I shall corect it, our job is 10 miles away, I'm told a good pack is good for about 40 blended, I could charge at work too but that may be overkill, all in all 40 is about our dayly routine, if I can get it dialed in should be able to just plug it in at night.
    as for age I am told 2 years, that makes 700 cycles, what kind? theres no telling, the guy that owned it, was not clueless but at the same time looks stock, temp sensors were plugged in so, I don't know I say its safe to say 80% discharge so far, pretty sure he used it to the max, I also seen on Engineers website these models are 2010 and up, so 3 years max, 1000 cycles at 80% worse case, I'll go with that for now
  2. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    they are pretty even taking a charge, or at rest for thet matter, display showed 100% within the first half hour, I'm at about 3.4v now, it's only been an hour led's are still on looks like its still charging, from what I can tell the pack is rether well balanced, however I would like to say some cells hold a charge better than others, now where does one sourse those poches from, I asume Ebay, I also seen some used ones on the classifieds, wonder if I should try that too, pick and chose the better ones, build an extra pack of the rest.
  3. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    Glad too see the pack is pretty well balanced.

    As the charge and discharge curve is very flat for the lifepo4 chemisrty, it will take w ahile getting to full charge.

    There was a chap a few weeks ago on ebay selling the realforce rfe pouch cells. if you search ebay fpr phev batteries, he will come up, not sure if he still has them but he did hace a few.

  4. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    well it's only been about 2 and a half hours, looks like cell 16 tripped it just now , settled at about 3.5, one led on the unit still on, fan still on, the other led off, and the one outside off, is this it?
  5. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    at rest they are pretty even, .07v difference, #12 low at 3.26 #15, 16 , 13 high at 3.33v, however my ev button apears to be operating ok, but as son as I turn the Engineer on, Ice starts to charge the batery briefly, while the system shows 9amps, some cells are just shy of 3 v, the difference gets larger, I know voltage is not everything, but it does seem some hold up a lot better than others under load, the system apears to be working fine the way it is, it bumped the OE into the green rather quick, I had it unpluged while doing all this, just playing in the driveway it showed as low as 73% charge, I pluged it back in and it started charging again, figured I'll try and top it up see what happens, I thought some chargers are smart and they do that on theyr own guess not this one, when it's done its done, ether way I am nowhere near settleing at the 3,8 you mentined
  6. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    mine dont settle at 3.8 either, that is on a new cell. mine settles at 3.4v, but that is at a set charge to 3.55v.
  7. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    Additionally from the charge curve for these cells, the voltage rises very quickly after 3.5v not much gain after that. Check all 16 cells after the charge and then see how close they are together.
    For some reason, cells 7,8,15 and 16 are always high and need draining it seems that is the way it is with the enginer system. I have to drain theses cells regularly.
    When draining power from any cell, I leave a bulb connected for maybe an hour checking periodically, trying to get the voltages the same. Sometimes on a day off or Sunday I,ll spend a lot of the day back and forth just tweaking and balancing, gives me something to do, my wife says I'm a sad git sometimes.
  8. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    Add some into cell 12 too to make it up to the same voltage as the others. I have got a IMAX hobby charger to add charge into the cells they are ok but slow as the cellsngetsbtonmax charge levelnmaybe only 0.5 a is being pumped into the cell, it gets there but slow, I find it faster to drain chargenoutnof cells at it can be done with no tools just a wire nada bulb.
  9. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    I get what you are doing with the bulb and I also get that there are some particularities to these systems, I was wondering what if instead we alternated packs, as in swap the left for the right, Enginer says dont, but I dont think it would mater if we swap them completely, andersons and bms,
    on mine I have reason to believe cell one and 2 need help, #12 seems the more stable, low on rest/discharge/charge, it does not change much, 1 and 2 however are the extremes, high on charge low on discharge, actually very fast changes, they are all pretty well arround 3.35v - 3.4v at rest after charge and I topped it 3 times, as soon as you turn it on 1&2 drop below 3, 12 which lowest at charge/rest, remains pretty much unchanged, my SOC drops very drasticly when turned on, within 5 moles it showed 10 %, thou the system was still operating well, after 15 miles with a 15 min stop ( SOC 75 % while it rested) , the converter was rather hot could not hold my hand on it.
    I noticed 15 16 high, not so much 7&8 but I may have missed it, I think I am going to swap the packs arround for a while thow I'm afraid 1&2 need help, they can't hold voltage very well, they also apear rather high on charge ( highest even ) almost like there is no internal resistence compared to the others. I dont care much to balance them for a living, worst case I'll get the aftermarket bms I read about, unless there are better solutions, right now swaping the packs is my ideea unless there is something I don't know about that would make this a bad Ideea, I almoast would want to wire them a bit differently to where I can swap cells arround as I please, I think quick connects in the 7 whites might do, maybe the power outputs too, I almoast wonder if there is a multiswich or something available that I could use, kindof turn a dial from time to time swapping cells arround, I am a bit more old school don't take well to all those electronics, and I do have better things to do, my thought process is that swapping cells arround would rotate them giving them all a even duty, achieving relative results as your charger and bulb technique while pack is in use.
    What do you think?
  10. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    after a break it settled at 76%SOC, they are all rather even, .07 v difference, they apear rather well balanced at rest, not the same under load and I do believe that shows their true condition
  11. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    well, the packs are relatively wll sealed, and i havent taken much notice as to how they are connected up inside the packs. As far as swapping the banks over, cant see that really helping. cells 1 and 2 now become 9 and 10 but still weak. if they are dipping that low and that quickly staight away afer switching it on, there may be an issue with those cells.
    I have had a thougth myself as to when i get a problem how to address it. If the range got so bad that the kit became unuseable, then maybe i would remove the affected cell, and check each of the 20ah pouches to see if their internal resistances are the same ie all knackered, or whether maybe only 1 bad pouch (hopefully) is dragginghte rest down with it, best case senario, if all 4 cells are the same for resistance and capacity, then thet are all knackered and a 4 new pouches would be required, or maybe 1 new 80ah cell on its own positioned elsewhere in the case or outside if the pouches were not available.
    This is the way i was thinking if i got an issue in the future.
  12. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius

    its under load the cells weaknesses are highlighted, apparantly the anode / cathode gets coated in carbon and it gets harder to extract the power form the cells efficiently, heat becomes more of an issue along with the abilty to put amps and take out amps out of the battery (capacity reduces as the internal resistance raises)
    So it is under load that the bad cells show themselves, that is why data loggers are so useful in fault finding, as at rest they seem fine. The bms display unit has data logging, there is a sd card slot in the side of the unit, i think it accepts data cards up to 2mb but is fussy about which ones it accepts. Not too sure how it captures the data.
    I would prefer to use the cell loggers as they are far more accurate.

    The aftermarker bms are very good units especially the pacific ev bms, it is very easy to install and is relatively cheap.
  13. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    I had the same Ideea, replace a cell or two if lucky as for swapping them over granted it does not change the condition of the cell, but aparently this system keeps somes cells better charged than others, and that would even out some of those diferences, we took another short trip, motor did not start at all, these erands used to kill the average, the HV bat dropped to 5 lines, I may have to up the amps but so far 100mpg average I just tont like those cells
  14. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    The system does charge oddly, but I believe this only relates to cells 7,8,15 and 16.

    Please bear in mind the temperature of the converter when upping the amps. I read earlier that after a short run you couldn't put your hand on the converter, that is very hot, I,m assuming at that point the converter and case fans were on max speed?
    My converter has never got that hot where I haven't been able to keep my hand on the case and I do check it quite often.
    If you monitor the bms display, when the converter gets too hot it actually throttles the amps it produces to protect itself somewhat, I have noticed this in my converter, sometimes the amps out in only 3 amps, when the converter fans are on max speed. Keeping that converter cool is the challenge. Some people instal The converter either on top in the cargo area or underneath in the spare wheel well to get it out of the case for cooling it better.
    I have installed a pc fan and some 3 inch vent hose and routed hot air out of the car on through the side vent. Only done this last week and haven't run the car much since so can't tell how effective it has been yet.
    Post back with some results, it will be nice to see you get some good results.
  15. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    I only get over 100 mpg if I do mainly short journeys say a few miles a time to shopping or my parents house. If I travel in ev mode and the bars on the mfd go down to 4 bars, then I,ll switch off ev button and drive in blended mode get over 80 mpg all the time more or less in that mode so is still very good, when Mybaverage before the kit was 45 mpg for the same journeys
  16. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    cell 1an2 definately needs help on mine, 4, 5 not far behind, 3, 6 thereafter, I am about to tear apartt a 1kw ebike batery I think it's made out of the same stuff, maybe different brand still lifepo4, it's brand new so I hope to get some use out of it, I had it topped off 3 times last night, and it did better, this morning only had it on the charger till the led turned green, 10 miles to work did ok, one hour break 3 miles onthe way back 1&2 2.6v, there is a .6v difference between them and the highest under load, pretty well balanced at rest thou, they have to go, I believe3456 may not be so bad but these are killing them too, therefore they are lower
  17. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    yes, 2.6v is pack cut off zone, so that is kinda your range at the moment aound 10 miles in blended mode not too good but if you can live with that and charge at work its not too bad.
    if oyu feel you need to do something, dismantle cell 1 and 2 and check their internal resistance individually. There is a youtube video showing how to do this.
    basically you woild need a battery analyzer something like this

    Turnigy 130A Watt Meter and Power Analyzer

    in line from the battery from to the load, maybe a bulb, apply a load to the battery for 10 seconds check voltage drop over that time against the amps used basically gives the internal resistance, they youtube video of this is good to guide you. I intend getting one of those when i have to fault find one of my cells.

    probably why the guy sold it on as he realised he was going to have to do something to those cells soon, not so bad if you know what your doing but alot of poeple who cannot undertake that work have to pay out to get it done, gets expensive then.
  18. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    I think that is exactly what happened, I asume 12345678 is the left pack, still has the seal on, he mentioned he had the pack checked and balanced and a couple cells replaced recently, that was the right one, seal broken, 910111213141516 are behaving rather well, bet that cost him a penny, now good thing is I am in michigan, enginer was not far from here, he gave me a number from the guy that bought the inventory when engineer went bust, this is not far from where I live, I will check on that tomorow.
    thing is I can charge at work but I still am not ok with that, those weak cells are making the rest work harder, onces it gets to a point where it snowballs the whole pack is junk, from monitoring the pack while in the passanger seat, 1 and 2 are very weak under load, chances are the ones next to them are ok, but they are taking a beating therefore they show a bit lower too, I am not ok with that not even for 10 miles, I took my ebike batery apart but is the cylindrical cells, bummer, I looked on ebay last night and no realforce, some 123's I bet they would do fine , simmilar chemistry/specs, I dd not look to far into it, 20ah is good enough for me, but if you feel otherwise please say so
  19. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    i bought 4 a123 pouch cells as spares a few weeks ago, i saw them and thought it isnt going to harm to get a few for spares so i bough them. Thet are a far better cell than the rfe cells, got better discharge rates, so should be ok to use as replacements if nthing else is available.
  20. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    something odd happened today. I tried to balance the pack somewhat however it appears those two cells are too far gone, I have made some progress, last I seen it .5v difference between high and low, I don't have much for range, some dirty math maybe I got 600w out of it before those 2 cells tripped the discharge, that being said I have to open that pack see what's in it
    the odd thing is, I must have done something wrong while at it, cell 10 and 11 was showing 36v last I had it on, I checked them with a volt meter they were at about 3.2, red light came on the display was beeping, something must have cooked in that bms, either way I don't care much for it, I find it odd the way it manages these cells anyhow, and honestly there is no reason those 2 cells should have taken a crap in 2 years if managed properly, previous owner mentioned he already changed 2 this spring in the other pack.'
    is this common? anybody ever had such readings before?
    Guess I am on a quest to find a better bms, everything seems to operate properly otherwise, I did get some brief good results with it, any thoughs or previous experiences please don't be shy.