I have no idea, never need to access it. But I "think" someone said you can remove the plastic wheel lining to access it.
The water pump isn't too bad to get to. A little tricky from above, or you ca remove a wheel and fender liner and get at it from below. Maybe if you are doing the washer pump at the same time that would make sense...
Yes but overheating is not a problem on gen3s unless the hg leak has been going on so long there is no coolant left. Most hg fails don’t show a low reservoir and don’t overheat before the severe rattling starts.
As long as 'overheating' means "the coolant temperature being hot enough at the cylinder head water outlet where the sensor is to make the red dash light come on", then it doesn't happen a lot in gen 3s. Toyota released a TSB in Europe that comes right out and says they updated the programming for water pump speeds, to avoid having a too-low flow rate in some operating conditions lead to excessive temperatures in some regions of the engine but not others (or, excessive temperature differences between engine regions). Readings we might see from the one sensor at the cylinder head outlet on a production engine aren't enough for us to show that is or isn't happening.
Thanks for the TSB and the coolant info. I should probably buy a new water pump, thermostat, hoses, and do a cooling system flush.
Had the car up on a lift with a local mechanic yesterday. He thought things looked pretty solid (not a Prius specialist but he sees quite a few), although there were rust holes in the underbody where the plastic "splash guard" attaches at the front of the rear wheel well. He said it's a bad design as the plastic collects road salt and crud. Exhaust looked OK, brakes, suspension checked out, etc. I was under there with him and we looked at the timing chain cover, didn't see any leaks. Going in for an alignment this morning (put new tires on last Friday), hoping to have time to check/clean the battery fan but then my son needs to drive it down to school (80 miles away). Rest of the work will have to happen when he's back on weekends. Still waiting on the windshield washer pump and EGR gaskets. What sort of time am I looking at to remove/clean/replace the EGR system? Can it be done in a weekend?
Yes. You’ll be beat though. You’re doing the coolant too? And intake manifold? There’s prep you can do: at the least get the nut at the lower bracket of EGR cooler off, and leave it off, forever. If you’ve got an E8 Torx socket*, and a lot patience, carefully break loose the stud there and back it out as well, and leave off, forever. Having the stud off, you’ll not need to remove the two rear studs from the cooler. Note too, with those two rear studs left on, they’ll retain the rearmost gasket, prevent it dropping. I would also remove the nut/stud at top front, that’s holding the EGR valve to head. Clean the stud threads, apply a little anti-seize and reinstall stud and nut. Ditto for the bolt atop the EGR cooler. Reason: these can be stubborn, so having dealt with them prior to diving in, it’ll go smoother on the big day. Torque for all in pdf attachments to top link in my signature. When doing the main job get the EGR cooler off and start the cleaning as soon as possible; it’s the one that takes time and attention. Do you have a cleaning strategy worked out. I’d highly recommend scoring a cork (EGR cooler end hole diameters in second link in my signature). if you’re going to soak it with caustic solution; much more efficient and economical than a giant bucket: just cork one end, fill with solution, prop up in corner of laundry sink. More info in top two links in my signature. if EGR cooler build up is modest Oxi-Clean soaks, for an hour, rinse and repeat, may be sufficient. If not I’d go to lye solution. Also consider gently working a wire through, if needed. What gaskets do you have on order btw? The pliable ones on intake manifold are worth replacing, but the steel ones on EGR are likely mint. Note with latter, their dimpled-in centres should have depressed side upstream (hopefully makes sense). Too, just note when removing. * see top link in my signature for mandatory and optional tools.
If you use OVEN CLEANER, and a pressure washer, you can clean out the cooler in an hour or so, depending on how clogged it is. Spray the oven clean in at both ends. Let it settle in for 30 seconds or so and do it again. Wear rubber gloves! Then let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Then pressure washer it out. It will get EVERYWHERE, so be careful and guard your eyes.... Watch a few videos on how to remove everything. You should be able to do it in a day the first time. I did mine, including the intake manifold in about 2.5-3 hours. But I had a spare cleaned cooler....
Oven cleaner, lye solution, take your pick. The latter can definitely be mixed stronger (more caustic). Use only glass and plastic/glass stir rods, funnels (no non-stainless steel, aluminum, wood). Also gloves, eye protection, long sleeved (old shirt) wouldn't go amiss..Always add the lye crystals to the water, not the other way round. With the cooler corked (with inert rubber stopper) it'll take about a cup to fill.
It seems the rear washer motor is grounded by the switch. Could be a fuse, motor, switch, wire or clog.
Cleaned the battery fan which was very clean--thin layer of surface dirt on the fan blades but that was all. Also pulled the 12V battery to check, clean the top and terminals. Voltage was 12.7, date code on the battery was 2020. No way to check water level unfortunately. Thanks for the EGR tips and the wiring diagram for the rear washer. I don't suppose you have a diagram for the front washer? That's the one that isn't working.
For 3rd gen yes. IIRC 4th gen (battery moved from hatch to engine bay) they're regular flooded-acid. Then with 5th gen they move it back to the hatch area, but continue to use flooded-acid. That's a bit of a puzzler: maybe regulations (regarding flooded-acid battery in passenger compartment) got more lenient, and they took advantage of it??