I think I've seen enough of similar forums over the years to be ok with my choice not to sign up there. I like to think that particulars about facts can be discussed outside of such a forum. i know that's become harder lately, but call me old fashioned.
Yeah. Me too. I'm old enough to remember when freedom of speech and the reasonably polite exchange of different points of view were actually viewed as a net positive......buuuuut....that's me being me again. I also believe in the rights of a business to refuse service to customers that don't follow reasonable rules. SO, the owner(s) of PC use FHOP_P as a relief valve to keep from melting the snow in the otha parts. Not MY forum. Not MY call.
Sorry but his video on self driving drove me off after a couple of minutes. I’ve got close to 100,000 miles on Autopilot and a smaller set, approaching 10,000 miles on FSD beta. He has no seat time and his simplistic monologue gives me no value. Bob Wilson
What I found oddest was the suggestion that having to say "Jesus take the wheel!" is an obviously better approach to a trolley problem than having to think about it.
The vid was made 6 years ago, and one presumes we will have a few more years before true L5 is achieved.