If you get there before them, park in the spot they like and plug your car in? Maybe they'll get the point...
I would start with the assumption that the SUV driver is hospitable. Leave them a note on their windshield explaining that some days you have arrived and not been able to use either of the EV spots and would appreciate it if they would share their phone number with you for those mornings when both spaces are occupied. You may find them more than willing to trade parking spots with you sometime during the day. If it is a crowded parking lot, reserving two spots only for EVs may not be appropriate.
honestly, with the signage as is, i think there is absolutely zero reason to believe or expect that the rightmost spot should be reserved for EVs. there isn't even a sign there, much less any indication that non-EVs are prohibited from parking there. i think what's needed is (a) addition of a second sign to the yellow post on the right and (b) marking of spaces (either on the asphalt or the curb) as for charging EVs only.
I am with lensovet. The sign in on the left side. Also, looks like there is only one charger so why need 2 spots. Is there one j1772 and a 110v outlet?
Did you contact the Clerk's office to contact the Driver, as you've done in the past? Even ask if the Clerk will give you the number and contact him yourself. Keep doing it until he get the message. If he continues, contact a Deputy to contact him, no matter if he is a Judge or not. Arrogence is No Excuse for Ignorance !!! Also, if he's a She, get a Female Cop.
Yeah- this ChargePoint has both 240v J1772 and common 120v outlet. I was going to use the 120v port last week when there was a Leaf using the 240v port- but he told me he was leaving in 45min so I connected to the 240v port after he left.
The Chief clerk was away at a conference- I contacted his aide- he said he would talk to the Lexus owner if he could find him. That parking lot serves other government and private law offices besides the Supreme Court- so he/she may work in one of the lawyers offices or other buildings that surround the Supreme Court complex. In the last two weeks we've had a hurricane with floods, followed by a gas shortage followed by a nor-easter and a snowstorm, all the while we've had a couple of million homes without electricity, food, water, heat, etc.. and rolling blackouts in most areas. Even the courts have been closed a few days due to the weather, the public schools closed for 7 straight days and there have been 6-8-12 hour long gas lines. I don't want to bother the Chief Clerk right now with my minor parking issue because everyone around here is super stressed with their own problems. You have to know when to lay low- and right now is the time to do that around here unless you have a major issue. I'll approach him again when things calm down and we're not all fixated on finding gas and the electricity issues. With that in mind- I'm still interested in a J1772 extension cable though....
Good point about not bothering the Clerk. However, I would leave a card on the Lexus to call you. Then you can find out who it is and if they know that they are parking in an EV parking zone.
ny_rob did you ever get a j1772 extension? I am looking for one and am wondering how hard it is to connect port or handle to the cable myself to keep the costs down? Anyone know?
Tucson EV, IIRC, sells one of those extensions. It's several hundred dollars, but it's what you are looking for.
Education, perseverance, leaving notes, talking (nice) to ICErs, kissing a little a$$, more phone calls to the court clerk, etc... The jerkwad in the Lexus SUV that always took the one corner spot doesn't work there any more.. hurray! So the corner spot is usually open when I roll in at 8:35am. Also someone brought in an orange cone and placed it on the curb behind the corner spot permanently so it almost looks like the spot's blocked off now.. that helped a lot too. Thankfully, it's been pretty much drama free since early summer and I haven't been ICE'd out since. I think we've reached a point where there's peaceful co-existence now between me and the regulars in the lot.