$50 huh? In my country gas is $2.59 per liter or $9.78 per gallon. A 50 liter tank or a 13.23 gallon tank would be $129,5. This makes it really nice to have a Prius. In Venezuela it is 1 cent per liter according to this site. Gasoline prices around the world, 07-Jul-2014 | GlobalPetrolPrices.com iPad ?
My Prius puts the fun in going. If something is 50 miles it is only 1 gallon of gas and I can live with that. When gas gets to $4 I don't feel that I should cut back on driving. I do drive more with the good milage.
We find it funny that our 2011 Prius Four is the " gas guzzler" in our garage. A RAV4 EV And an S85 are parked next to it.
Wow! The price of gas here is $3.15/gallon and he has a 21.9 gallon tank so it'd actually be more like $69.98 to be precise. Still better than $129.5! I don't know the how or why but when I started driving, about 14 years ago there was a K-Mart that had a gas station in town. They sold gas for $0.90/gallon and the station across the street, Exxon, was forced to sell it that low too or they'd get no business. Lines were long at both stations all the time. I would drive out of my way to get gas there because it was so cheap, luckily it was by the mall so if I was heading that way I'd stop for gas. I'd like those prices back.
^^^ My wife filled my GMC Sierra this weekend.. she txt me.. $84.50... @3.45 a gallon.. to which I said.. must have been low.. she said yeah the light came on... WOW I NEVER RAN IT THAT LOW!!!!!!
Filled my duramax this weekend to take the boat out - it took two transactions because the gas station limited each transaction to $100 - total transaction was $120. It was fully empty. At least it only gets filled up every month or two.
The two EVs replaced 2 SUVs. I don't miss a combined 17 mpg. And with solar panels in the house, the EVs are basically driven for free.
$50!!!!! My 2002 Toyota Tundra has a 28 gallon tank. It's easy to reach the limit on my CC of a $100 (gas station limits of what you can charge when you swipe at the pump) when gas pushes past $4.25 here in SoCal. There is just no comparison with the savings i get driving the Prius. But the Prius just can't do what the truck can do as far as carrying things around when i need it for work or pleasure. The penalty being the gas consumption. So my Tundra gets driven about once a week, and now gets filled up maybe once a month for about $60 worth of fuel. BTW, my truck has over 175k miles on it. It will make 200k easy as I have no plans on getting rid of her. She runs as sweetly as she did 12 years ago when i bought her. She still averages a nice 15.8 miles per gallon!
^ Alexcue, my father's T100 odometer reached 496,000 miles.. then we decided to donate the truck, but it's still running! so you have a long way to go with your Tundra.
I had a 9th generation corolla 2007 LE (lame edition) automatic and I always manage to squeeze out 330-345 miles out of 10 gallons and my best was 375 miles summer time really takes it toll on mpg as I can only manage 315-325 miles per 10 gal and yes ride was very noisy but was manageable but now with the prius I get about 470-490 miles on 9.7 gallons with the best tank of 525 mile per 9.7 gallon and I can well over 400 with out even trying. But then again the corolla was almost 1/2 to 1/4 the price of a gen 3 prius (back in 2011) and I didn't quite have the $$$ to buy a prius at that time so it served me well, though the new corolla is catching up with near hybrid mpg's closing in around 40 mpg and a more appealing design.
I've never actually had a gas guzzler, my Mustang was probably the worst on MPG and even it got 26 MPG. I wanted a Prius back in 2010 but I wasn't getting a new car then and couldn't spring for the Prius. When we decided to get me a new car I had already seen the Grabber Blue Mustang and decided that's what I wanted. I don't regret it, I loved that car. It wasn't bad for having a baby in, at least not in his infant seat. Once he switched to his convertible seat (one that stays in the car) it was so hard to get him in/out because he's still rear facing at 16 months (recommendation is minimum of 2 years or up to 4 is ideal) it would kill my back just running a couple of errands, that's when I told my husband "I want a Prius" and 2 months later I got one.
In my area, a Prius 2 is selling for about $5K more than a Corolla. The Prius is also based on the Camry chassis so it is a bigger car.
I still have 2 gas guzzlers... 1978 chevy on 40inch ground hawgs worked motor... detroits... 10mpg... Was driving 2013 gmc sierra z-92... alc lifted it for dealership so i got a warranty on truck with 6in lift and 35s....i was driving it 150ish miles a day @19 or so mpg... sounds good till you see it is $600-$650 s month in gas. Now my prius payment and gas is still a lot less than that gas bill.... Starting to love vs hate driving a prius. Today i got 66.3mpg to work till back roads... then dropped to 59.6mpg because of hills. Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Just drove from Yosemite to LA last weekend and still have enough gas left to last for 1 work week. All that for $30 full tank of gas. I love it!
I've been doing a lot of sitting with it running and the A/C going while I work through a lot of the radio, nav and other options. That's taken me all the way down to 42mpg, but I'm surprised how quickly I moved up to 45 just running a couple of errands today. I don't expect my first mpg number to be all that great because of the all the 0 mpg I've been getting, but even the 42 beats so many. So, now I'm curious to see how high I can get it before I fill it up for the first time.
Wait till you break it in DoubleD. Then you will really start seeing great numbers. I have a drop of about 1500 ft in altitude coming into work, which is very close to where i bought the car (and where i fill up for gas). My biggest issue is going home and making that climb. So essentially right now my mileage drops going home and goes up coming to work! My lifetime average is 49.2 right now as indicated. Fuelly says about 46.7.