Forgive me Danny for i have sinned. My garage has 8 220 outlets, 2 of which are 3 phase, and I do not own a plug in car. But I pray for a Prius v PHV.
Sounds like you have the infrastructure for a small manufacturing facility. Maybe you can cut a deal with Tesla for installing a Supercharger Station.
No doubt about it, less is more when it comes to cars. I have been in cars an awful amount the past two years but we recently moved and now it is a much more reasonable 200 minutes a week. The best part is that for 5/7 days of the week I bicycle.
We are finally donating our 1999 Montana now that we bought a Prius-4. The van only has 160k+ on it and still looks great. It needs some new oil/trans gaskets, but has been a great van for the past 15+ years. It still gets 24 mpg on our trips, but we want to downsize and get more mpg. Hopefully the Prius will fill our needs, time will tell.
I trades my 2007 tundra for 2013 Prius. Best investment I have made which we drive quite a bit with having two kids of age 12/10. Just going on road trip to pick them up about 550 miles one way, and return with them another 550 with full load. I do wonder how it would perform along i75 in Tennessee and northern Georgia hills. Would find out. I do have an Odyssey, but need new tires, and don't feel like taking chances, but this is my test for Prius on pretty steep hills in Georgia/Tennessee. SGH-I317 ?
Sounds like my situation with our 2003 CRV with 175k mi on it. Come fall, my daughter will inherit it for her college commute car- after it gets new tires and brakes. What more could you ask for in a vehicle? IIRC I paid $22k for it back in 2003... and it's still got plenty of life left in it.
Pretty much the same experience! Got rid of a 94 Corolla with a 3-speed automatic transmission for my 11 Prius. Corolla averaged about 25 mpg in city driving (20 in winter). With Prius, I'm getting mid-50s (mid-40s in winter)! It's like getting gas for half price!
I got rid of a 2010 Corolla for the Prius, but I consistently averaged 40 mpg in it with a combination of highway and city driving. It was a stick shift, though, for what difference that makes. I loved that car and would have kept it forever, but my needs changed (like needing climate controlled cargo space), so I needed to change cars. I am happy with the Prius, and the mileage is better than the Corolla as I expected it would be, but I was not unhappy at all with the mileage or performance of the Corolla. I wish I could have afforded to keep it and just add a Prius. I hated to get rid of it.
I can't bear to drive my '09 Corolla anymore because it burns twice as much gas as my Prius. I'm selling it.
I got rid of a 2012 Mustang v6 Premium in Grabber Blue color for the 2014 Prius Three in Blizzard Pearl with solar roof. I loved Smurfy, that was a fun little car. I got about 24 MPG in it. I previously drove a 2000 Contour Sport that I got in 2003, it got about 28 MPG. I still have the Contour but don't drive it, it has no A/C, it has around 165,000 miles. The Mustang had 24,000 when I got rid of her. I will drive the Prius until it gets too cost prohibitive to maintain, if it makes it to 200,000 miles then it does. My husband drives a 1995 Honda Passport that is falling apart inside and he has no plans to replace it anytime soon and I think he probably gets 10 MPG. He never fills up all the way because it costs like $50 to do so.
You should be reminding him constantly of how better mileage you get with the Prius. Might be a lot cheaper for him to switch to a hybrid.
Haha. I should. He drives maybe 10 miles to work and another 10 home each day, so he doesn't really have far to go at all, neither do I but I still get about 44 MPG doing it. He would like to get himself a car/truck when we pay off my Prius. Since we just got it, I would give it a few years before he'll get one. Too bad there aren't good mileage pickup trucks.
"Spoiled" is the same word I used to explain my gas tank after filling up my wife's Pilot today... 18 gal at $66 (~400 miles). I never break $30 and get closer to 500 miles.
I tried hyper milling our daughters Pilot one time. I'd gassed up, reset the trip (with liters/100km tracking). Think I managed 9.8 liters/100km. That was with fully warmed up start.
I got lucky... told wife i was gonna trade in my 2023 gmc sierra on 35s for a prius... getting 19mpg aint bad but 62mi each way plus kids sports equates to $20-$30 a day in gad. Long story short wife decided to trade her trailblazer extended in and drive my truck so it is a nice balance. Drovr the truck this morning and agree sux motor only shuts 4cyl off at low rpm vs shutting down... hah Samsung Galaxy Note 3