It is probably related to the history of transportation, vehicles etc. going back to ancient Naval traditions and shipbuilding. The "unofficial" Navy reason used to be that ships are refered to as "she" because it costs so much to keep them in paint and powder. Other explanations: It isn't the initial expense but the upkeep that breaks you; without a man at the helm she is uncontrollable; she looks nice when all decked out...just search on the web and you can find dozens more. 3PriusMike
Mine must be female. It has a woman's voice, and ever since I installed the Curt hitch, it has a receiver in the back. Tom
Apparently more men than women care enough to respond to this poll. Out of 52 respondents, 36 are men. Even you cared enough to post a comment! Mind you, the majority of men, 20 of the 36, have not assigned a gender to their Prius.
Sorry PriusRos - female/no gender. In the past I've had predominatly male cars with the exception of a red Sterling which was named Christine since the British electirical system caused it to act as though it were posessed. My Prius has not presented itself as having gender - more like what a previous poster noted - Hal the computer - it just knows everything - I do its bidding. Yikes - that's spooky too!
I like this explanation I found on the Web: Because many men see females as the object of their desire. Cars can be interpreted by men in this way, thus the reason for them being referred to as 'she' Here's my explanation: It's the woman who has to do most of the carrying -- i.e., she carries the baby in her womb for 9 months and then in her arms for a while after that. So a vehicle, which carries people, is associated with being female.
Another good explanation about why cars are female, posted by a man: Because they are smooth, have great curves and they carry our sorry asses everywhere!
A Curt hitch is a brand of trailer hitch. Receiver hitches have a box shaped tube under the bumper that "receives" the drawbar and hitch ball. It's an anatomical joke in this case. As for brass balls, some persons of limited taste attach "decorative" scrotums to the empty receivers on the back of their trucks, thus proving that they and their trucks are very manly. Tom