Consider checking the dealer cost before you go there (Edmunds, C Reports, Kelly BB, etc. If he's making what you consider a fair profit above cost have your check in hand including doc fee.. if you don't want to pay it, exclude that $100 and be willing to WALK...and do it without a lot of argueing. This way you save them and yourself a lot of grief and time. Good luck. :rockon:
never sign anything until the car is there. also, u can write anything you want on the same piece of paper such as your own "subject to". if u say subject to you getting the car you asked for's legal.
Not for nothing, this price is well below any other price I have seen around and it is in fact BELOW invoice. It seems they are giving it away and throwing some of their holdback money back at me to get me into this car. I have an email which isnt binding with it all in Black and White and I am gonna go check out the car and buy it on Thursday. Wish me luck!
Good Luck!! That does sound like a good price. Miles on the car ? Destination charges ? Does your email say final, out-the-door price ? I would try to impress on the dealer that I plan on arriving with a check for $xxx.xx. Period. In fact, ask the dealership to fax you an explicit offer, showing ALL charges, signed by the manager.
oh ya, my dealer did that too. it was some sort of theft thing. LT membership for a few hundred. i told them, not interested, they said ok. took it off. simply means until you take delivery of the actual car you are buying, NOTHING cant be changed. does nt matter what you signed last week UNLESS you agreed to take it sight unseen, or "as is". on my job, i deal with verbal miscommunication a lot. we always have customers who say that they were told one thing that was simply not anywhere near correct and i am sure that part of it is a training issue if they talked with a new employee, part of it is simply "doing what is needed to get the customer out the door" etc. but most of the time, its simply the customer only hearing what they want to hear. BINGO!!... once again, no matter what was said or done before, until you take delivery of the car, nothing is unfixable.
Just to talk about faxes for a moment .. They are a stupid anachronism that I hate, but businesses use, and seem to still hold in some reverence as a paper equivalent that has a measure of legal binding. If you do not have a fax machine at home, it is very easy and free to set up a virtual fax machine through one of many internet vendors who will provide a tele number, and send the fax to you by email. I use efax with complete satisfaction, but I'm pretty sure other vendors are fine too. Sending faxes from home through the internet is more of a pain, and should not be necessary for OP's purposes. Fwiw, I use a cheap scanner and the software VueScan to make small file size pdf, that I "fax" for free using the website
"Fooled me once; shame on you. Fooled me twice, shame on me." I only do business with someone that has exposed their dishonesty if I have no other option. Unless they have a badge and a gun or the authority of the state, I evaluate the integrity of the circumstances using my definition of honesty, not theirs. Otherwise I defer my responsibility for integrity to them.
The dealer emailed me from home and couldn't give me a final OTD price since I'm buying from out of state. The last prius deal that fell through gave me an idea of the dmv charges (around $250) and the tax is 8.75%. 22658 is the price minus those items including the $100 doc fee which was clearly listed on the ad online. This time around it seems the dealership is making a meager profit.
Sorry, what is preventing the dealer from writing "NY state taxes and title to be paid separately by purchaser in state of residence" ? People cross state lines to buy cars ALL THE TIME. Don't let them BS you. Some states collect tax on all purchases, and then the customer applies for a discount in their state of title based on what they have already paid; other states allow the full tax payment to occur at the DMV. Your dealer knows the implementation details, trust me.
buy a car in another state and bring it to WA and you will be charged a tax equal to the sales tax of the vehicle had it been purchased in WA. so crossing state lines to get a car (OR would be prime since they have no sales tax) is a trick the state figured out a long time ago and will not work here.
I am paying state taxes and dmv fees at the dealership. I don't have any of this in writing, but if this guy screws me I'm walking. I do like the idea of getting a real number with taxes included and dmv fees, but the price was clearly listed in the ad with the $100 doc fee. The price SHOULD be no more than $25000 OTD (my sales tax is 8.75% and judging from that previous deal that fell through registration and tags should be 250'ish)
Dave, I am not talking about circumventing state tax, I'm just saying that dealerships know how to deal with cases of people buying from out of state.
Thanks, I was wondering how exactly I could get screwed if the dealer didn't collect sales tax. This is my first new car, so I'm thinking all I need is some sort of proof of taxes paid, and temp tags. I have my own plates to use, but I was told I can't use them until I get the registration mailed back to me. Is there anything I should worry about regarding taxes and registration?
Yeah thats what I felt. I only went with one dealer though. I thought I would be made happy but instead I was actually upset about it. Long story but I don't think the dealer really care at all.
If the dealer isn't collecting his state's sales tax or your NY sales tax then you'll pay your tax at the DMV office when you register the car. Just ask how they are handling the sales tax. If you are buying a temp tag you can still have your plates affixed. Do become familiar with the fees & taxes levied by both states. The common scam is for the dealer to inflate them on the invoice. Once you sign you're stuck.
Confirmed. The dealer is collecting NY sales tax and DMV fees. I use my own plates so I get a small discount on the DMV fees. I can't wait till Thursday!!! I know there is another thread for it, but this thread needs a pic of me and my Prius when I pick it up.
Just wanted to update that I negotiated even lower because I had a competitor ad. Now the price is 22050 plus $100 doc fee which the other place was charging too, plus tax and title. No other freight, floorplan, advertising, vacation, or kids tuition fee attached. Not bad for a Gen3 III! Pics tonite.
Hi I'm new to this fourm. Want to say hi to all. This forum is full of great info and I learn alot from all the posts. I just order a Prius IV with Bizzard Preal and Solar Panel this Sat. I'm waiting for it to deliver. The dealer say it can be weeks, but I don't mind at all. Wiserone if you haven't get your Prius yet. The dealer that I order mine has a Blue Prius IV with the solar panel.( I test drive it with my wife on the 6th of this monlth.). The dealer is Westury Toyota in Nassua County next to Century 21. The great thing about this dealer is they don't charge any fees.