Daniel: Right. The wealthy in those poor countries live in gated compounds with heavy security. They drive around in armored Suburbans. Although in most of those countries the average citizen can't legally own a gun, the wealthy are armed to the teeth. Same old story: rich get richer, poor get poorer, and after a few generations of enlightenment we always seem to sink back into the muck. j
I remember right after hurricna Katrina how George Waah stated how much he wanted to see Senator Trent Lott's front porch rebuilt so they could sit out there and talk. About 3 weeks ago I read an article that said Sen. Lott was pissed because his ins. co. wouldn't pay for his home damage. it seems the Senator does not carry flood ins. I am only a low paid peasant and we have flood ins. on our home. Does this mean Lott is cheap or poor with his $166000/yr. salary? I'm so heart broken over the missing porch!