I agree with you about paying for other people's problems. Isn't marijuana legal in Canada? I saw on 60 Minutes last week a story about a canadian who exports marijuana seeds to the US and other countries. Do you know about that person?
I have also read that it's a crime to say anything bad about Jews and the holocaust in your country. Is that true? If so, then free speech is not true all the time.
Come on up, once thru the border very little difference between the two countries. we speak the same language and you buy stuff in dollars, ours worth less than yours, and if you hit Kmh button on the MFD you won't notice any difference at all. The main hiway across the country is 4 laned but there is a big chunk of it here in BC that isn't and it's a real freekin sore spot here. On the illicet drug problem, if it was legal the gang's would be out of it and public saftey would probably improve.
Since I personally don't use the stuff - beat's me. I stick with wine and gin, thanks. At the Saint Paddy's thing I went to last night, the air was thick with it, but that is preferable to cigarette smoke.
Oh no, you can't do that here. Falls under various Hate Crime legislation. As an example, the Liberals lost a few seats around Toronto during our recent Federal election when one of the party employees made a derogatory comment about the wife of NDP leader Jack Layton She's Chinese, and he put up on his blog a picture of her and one of those Chinese dogs, what are there names? You know, the kind with folded flappy skin, kind of pudgy, with big sad eyes? Whatever. The caption was "separated at birth" and that went over like a brick sh**house. The various Free Speech things are fine if directed at the government and the programs though. Then anything goes. I'm not aware of any nation that actually has "free speech."
no weed isn't legal in Canada. Mark Emery has been on the edge of the weed business here for years and has been arrested many times. Why he's not serving like 5-10 years is beyond most Canadians. It's not him, it's our federal justice system that's the drug problem in Canada just like it is in the US. Only difference is were lax and your not. The US probably spends as much on the drug issue as the Grow Ops here make so the net cost to the US is probably double what the gov. say's it's costing. The whole system is in chaos and we the tax payer is footing the bill.
Well put TonyPSchaefer, It looks like all that we are striving for is to preserve the integrity of gung-ho attitude. Rampant militarism leads only to ultimate ruin, historically speaking.
The costs are way to high for USA to maintain the dominance, if maintained, will lead to financial collapse. Agree completely, perfect example with British Empire.
:lol: See, that sort of stuff should be allowed. Recently, I bought the movie, "Blazing Saddles", and laughed my head off. A movie as such will likely never be made again because of narrow-minded PC bulls*t. In this respect, Canada seems to be no more progressive than the U.S....
you people get Trailer Park Boys down there. It's metered in FPM's I'm sure if Pat Roberts ever watched it there'd be hell to pay. In some respectes were the same and different in others and yes Blazing Saddles was funny. Not P/C but funny non the less.
I agree with daniel and you on the hyper-inflation assessment, the collapse of Argentinean peso might be a good precursor to what might happen with US economy, in other words real estate market will be hurt severely, most of the middle class will find itself in the middle of devalued housing market (the most precious investment of an average American), a sad turn for their financial sacrifices. Surly Argentina is overcoming slowly the economic impasse, and one can buy US$500,000.00 condo in the middle of Buenos Aires for meager one-fifth of the previously going value. Foreign investment is taking former precious assets out of the desperate Argentineans, many wealthy Europeans and Americans now reap quite substantial benefits from this unfortunate situation. Despite the losses it's still a sordid experience for average Argentinean, shaking the entire social fabric of the country. I wonder how that will play with inner-cities within USA. Rather grim scenario a la Watts perhaps, let's hope not.
Sounds like your Govt. is as fu---d up as ours. Like I said many times: They are DISHONORABLE men & women who think only of taking care of themselves, their rich friends, and the large corporations. They have no morals, integrity, word, and are NOT to be trusted. I would prefer one honest & sincere dictator who represents the "little" people. Their house of cards will crumble eventually. Hopefully, all of them and their DNA will perish with it.
Yes. The U.S. is bankrupt. We spend more than we make. And if all of our creditors asked to be paid today....we could not pay our debt. Mr. Bush and his cronies seem to subscribe to the "I can't be overdrawn, I still have checks left" school of accounting. They are clueless. Since Mr. Bush has never actually had to work for a living you can hardly blame him. He's never had to support himself without the help of others. He's never been a successful business man. He's never actually made money, at least not enough to speak of. He has no concept of how the average American has to work and where that money is spent. He has no idea how much a quart of milk or a year's worth of healthcare costs the average American family. Perhaps Mr. Bush should go to the store and by a loaf of bread, quart of milk, dozen eggs and pound of butter. But first, he should start the day with an empty wallet and find a job to make the money to pay for that grocery list. He is just so clueless. We read in history books of how one generation makes an obscene amount of money through hard work, diligence, creativity, innovation. Then the next generation blows it all. That is little Georgie. Whether he hasn't the work ethic to make the money, hasn't the brains and business sense or is just plain lazy...it doesn't matter. He is the "spend it all" generation.
I think we ought to have a constitutional amendment setting the salary of all elected officials at minimum wage. Of course, they could then raise the minimum wage -- for everybody. But recognizing that many of them have to live far from home (in D.C. or state capitols) I'd allow them the following perks: a guaranteed bed at the nearest homeless shelter, an unlimited free bus pass, and the privilege of going directly to the front of the line at the soup kitchen at lunchtime, because they have to get back to work passing and administering laws.
Life goes on, yes, but an awful lot of people are plunged into the most dire poverty. I don't think the U.S. case would be as severe as Argentina, for a variety of reasons. But a lot of people would be an awful lot poorer than they are now. And that's my point: if the country continues on the present irresponsible fiscal path, the poor will pay with worsening poverty, and the rich will pay with increased social unrest and rising crime rates as people do whatever they must to try to survive. And everybody will have to pay an awful lot more for everything they consume, from food to fuel.
your being rather charitable tonight Daniel! pushing them to the front of the soup line. They need to realize that better people than them get to eat first. Get to the back of the line.