Well yes, I do own a 2012 Prius which we use to drive around the local area, however I do also own a Jeep Grand Cherokee which is used for long road trips and for hauling a 17 foot fiberglass trailer. Both vehicles are suited for their tasks. Anyone who looks down on the hybrid vehicles as being "feminine" needs to think past their insecuritys and realize what good engineering has accomplished.
Anyone who looks down an anything because it is feminine needs to look closely at a whole mess of stuff!
It's kinda sad when guys have to measure their "manhood" by how fast their car is, or how big their truck or dog is. I'm so glad I don't have that problem!!
If masculinity is a measure of how close to the ground your knuckles hang, then I'd say the pictures you have posted are a pretty good indicator for the extremes of scale... Not too sure about the pink Beetle tho, an old friend of mine had one just like it when they first came out, and I felt a little self-conscious driving it.
I'd argue having more money in my pocket over the next 5 years over something else is "masculine" enough for me. I can go buy some manly stuff with it I guess.
Maybe install a hitch and hang a set of balls off it like those Bubba pickup truck owners do Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
Regardless how my comments are taken, or how the Prius is perceived by who ever, this is my primary commuter. I love the mileage, and so far the dependability. But is this car masculine? Nope. Do I care? Nope. But I can live with it.
The Gen III is less feminine than the Gen II. But no one here really cares. Most (not all) just buy it for the MPG.
Yesterday I made a trip to a store. This trip involved both city and highway driving. When I arrived at the store the Prius told me that my MPG was 62.1. Now I also own a Jeep which is a terrific vehicle, it has a hemi engine with fuel management. It is a terrific vehicle but on this trip it would have averaged about 10- to 12 MPG. If I did not need the capacity of the Jeep what would have been the point in driving it? Who besides me really cares?
I bought the Prius, It was the intelligent choice. Personally I could care less what others think, that said ... I am a married man, if I was single I may have chosen another vehicle.
I don't care about Prius gender, just style and good design. Got to watch both of these women win 2 rounds in 10,000 HP (not a typo) nitro funnys and make the semi-finals in Sonoma -