I used the money I saved on gas to by, a AR, a AK47, a Harley HOG, and bag of chewing tobacco. then drove to the rodeo and tackled me a steer. Kick the shit out of a few bar bullies, the one SOB, almost put a smudge on my fender. Then after a rather uneventfull day, I grabbed me a big momma with hairy knuckles and totoos, yep drug her by her hair. you know like a troglidite, tossed her up on daddy's workbench. yanked a cold Bud from the frig bit the top off that bottle poured it down and call it day. What'd you boyz do today?
I just bought mine less than a week ago, and I've gotten a lot of funny comments from people who know me, but I just laugh about not spending $800 a month on gas anymore. I'm a car guy who's always working in the garage and between the Harley, race car, Viper and H2, they are all a little shocked when I tell them there's a Prius in the garage now as well. However, the best comment came from my neighbor yesterday. He heard the stereo on in the garage (which generally means I'm out there doing something), so he came over to BS a bit (he's a car guy too). He saw the Prius in there with the other stuff and asked if I had a new girl living with me. I busted out laughing and said it was mine, but I'm still not sure if he was serious or just taking a little dig at me.
I used to drive a car that got 25 mpg and purchased a Prius. I am 51 and male. I laugh all the way to the bank every time I fuel up because the company I work for pays me mileage expenses that amount to almost $1500 a month. That amount pays for the payment, fuel, insurance, and the fuel in my 4X4 and motorcycle with some left over. The picture of the motor to the left is what is in my motorcycle.
You know when I was in Washington, DC a few weeks back, I saw that some guy added racing stripes and a bit of flame decals on the side. It just didn't make it more masculine, but I give the guy credit. He had a good sense of humor. I think most people who drive a Prius seem to regardless of if it is a guys car or not. I would not say it is a girly car either. It is simply practical. No one is ever going to compliment me on how cool my car is, but that is okay.
I've actually toyed with adding racing stripes as a joke. Since the Prius is the same color as the Viper, I thought it would be interesting to stripe the Prius to match and then get a pic with both of them together. lol
I bet you could get temporary ones to try out! The one I saw was the goldish brown color, so I think that made it even more funny. If you could add the engine sound effects of a bad nice person car, it would be so great to have a hidden camera to capture those reactions!
As I've mentioned before, one of the guys at worked called the car a vagina on wheels. Didn't bother me a bit.
A: No. Just think of poor coach who craved a Prius but ended up in Fusion Hybrid because his wife was concerned about the masculinity of the car he wanted. But this is actually an advantage for Prius drivers because any derogatory comment relating to masculinity of a car allows you instantly to know you don't want to know that person anyway.
I could care less about what anybody thinks or says about my car. Just man up and don't waste any time or energy on them.
I know a lot of guys in the Seattle area that drive the Prius, and now, as of today, I'm one of them...lol!
Have you guys noticed how most of the replies have been more or less, "It's just a car. Get over over it." And yet this post is now 3 pages long in a short period of time. Are we really as comfortable with our masculinity was we claim to be? No offense to any ladies that have replied. I just find it odd this thread isn't already buried by more recent threads.
mad-dog-one hit it on the head: cars are machines. They are neither masculine nor feminine. Anyone who uses or thinks an inanimate object is an extension of their sexuality is permanently stuck in a pubescent (or maybe pre-pubescent?) phase, and I admit I feel a little bad for them. As for the adolescent (in behavior, anyway) boneheads that make snide comments about me driving a Prius, or give me the finger on the highway, I don't know if it would be possible for that to mean less to me than it already does. Does an ant crossing your path ruin your day?
I'm a vegetarian, I recycle and a Prius owner.... Damn, I’m screwed!!!! I hope that being married, have a daughter and be a triathlete/crossfitter helps me a bit
I'd love to see an ad with mean cowboy, smoking a cigarette with a couple of ladies (one in each arm) getting on a Prius.... beep beep!!
Well my previous response is an exercise in- (hopefully) humor. The correct answer of course, is who cares? I really don't. The other thing? Having hung around Prius Chat for years....I know this topic appears from time to time. This isn't the first thread created about this supposed issue. I actually find the whole debate and idea something so ridiculous that I can't really take it serious.