I have seen that happen! The expression of a driver who has been passed by a Prius is priceless if you get to catch it... "Wait, what?!"
That was the first thing I noticed when I first got my Prius... I cannot remember which Prius Chatter told me that there is something we can't see on our bumpers but the rest of the world can see that says "Tailgate me." LOL! I think it is just the word "Prius" on the back of our cars that brings out the worst in some folks.... but in the meantime I'll enjoy my gas mileage.
I drive my truck the same way and no one tailgates me in that unless they like breathing in diesel...
As a new Prius owner, I now know how Prius owners think. My 10 mile drive to work is now 60 mph on the interstate versus the 70 mph speed limit. I don't anticipate a speeding ticket driving the Prius, but rolling stops at stop signs are going to be a problem. I'm sure other drivers are restless with our slow starts and slower than normal highway driving. Driving the Prius puts me in a mellow mood that I should have adopted years ago. It's all a good thing. Sad other drivers don't understand.
Sorry, that was me in my Blizzard Prius. I'd like to say I was running late for an appointment or something, but I was probably just driving like a jerk.
It really doesn't matter to me how fast some one else drives. Usually, there are at least 2 lanes to allow for people who are in a hurry, impatient, love to speed and slam on the breaks, just think its a race track, what ever. On the other hand, some enjoy, slow paced, relaxing, hypermiling, lawful obedience. Honestly, tailgating and cutting me off, freaks me out way more than speeding. In the end, I can't in any way change the way others choose to drive. I'm going to drive slightly below the speed LIMIT. What is so confusing about the word LIMIT. The maximum, most allowed, not to exceed,don't go beyond. But again the most absurd part is becoming angry at us for not following their juvinial behavior. Angry to the point of placing us in harms way, not only our property, but the lives of our families and the lives of the other traffic that likely will also be effected.
They have to get ahead of the Prius! My ride through Md and N. Va is like that. I really think I get tailgated the same, but the glass gate makes it more disconcerting, like they are in the trunk. I get a kick out of watching people sometimes appear to struggle to get ahead of me, and then stop at the red lights, especially if the stars align and I roll right through as it turns green! For me, I keep up with traffic but it often seems like it isn't enough. I think the culture around the areas I commute is less accepting of the car than other areas. Maybe it just feels that way though... But then again if I had a hybrid lifted F250...
Interesting situation. Driving to work this morning, I was on the interstate portion of my drive. As I passed a on ramp, there was a Audi A6 that blended into traffic behind me. I had the cruise set for 60 with 70 being the speed limit. I figured the Audi would pass me and give me a dirty look as he/she passed. I was shocked they stayed behind me for over five miles. As I exited the interstate, there were a total of five vehicle behind me, single file, like baby ducklings, patiently doing 60mph.
Could it be that some people are finally becoming aware of fuel conservation ? How long will it be before they start to feel the sting ? Throttle... sting!!! Throttle... sting!!! Ouch!!! That hurts!!!
You're lucky they stay in the same lane. The jerks behind me usually will cut in front of me coming up to a red light when I have about 2 to 3 car lengths to get to the light. I have to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting them. Drivers in my town are a-holes!
6mph over the speed limit seems a bit much in a 25mph zone, or even a 40mph zone I don't understand the x-amount over the speed limit being okay.Why have signs saying 65mph when 70mph is okay? It certainly wasn't okay back in the late 70s when the speed limit on freeways was 55mph.
There are simply not enough police to enforce the traffic laws. What there are of them, are too busy busting people like Tommy Chong for selling bongs on the Internet.
It's a mixed bag of tricks where I drive. I have people tail gate me, then pass me, and cut in front of me. (I am talking ab out the same car). Some drivers don't want to let you merge into traffic, so I have to "stomp" on the accelator to merge. Some drivers will just hang back........ that to me IS THE COOLEST THING! I have become a more mellow driver since I bought my Prius.
There are drivers out there that are not aware that the merging traffic has the right-of-way. It's a rare occasion when someone will move over or back off when you are entering the Freeway.
Umm, not according to New York State traffic law: "The driver of a vehicle about to enter or cross a roadway from any place other than another roadway shall yield the right of way to all vehicles approaching on the roadway to be entered or crossed."
What state? Here in CT unless I want to lose a part of my car I have to be careful merging... I tend to drive defensively, anyway.