Ok so it is your age... not calling you a youngin, but you will notice drops as you get a little older, get married, better credit etc. multi car discount. I am also a safety instructor which doesn't hurt with multiple policies as well. Example - Liability 100/300/100 - deductibles 250/250.
I'm shopping for a Prius v, since my 07 Corolla was recently totalled. Not my fault so insurance isn't affected by the accident. My premium will go up about 20 bucks a month. Seems reasonable due to the price difference between the cars.
married - check better credit - check (but in CA they don't rate you based on credit anyway) multi car discount - check Not much I can do to help the cause unfortunately
It is very very hard to compare insurances !!!!! I pay $108 per month in New York State Suburban neighborhood with two registered driver. Interestingly about $50 less per year less for 2012 then an identical 2010 !!! 200 dollar deductible but full glass !!! and not elcheapo on the rest either !!!
Geico ads are very cute but clearly not the best rates. Someone pays for those ads (OH yes the customer) I saved over $400 (per year) by switching to Liberty Mutual (+150 on the home owners insurance). Their quote 100% matched the coverage I had comprehensive w/200 deductible ... as someone else suggested get quotes for same coverage. It was October 11 2012 and merely two weeks later my car was totaled by Sandy and my house was significantly damaged as well guess what I had flood insurance also with Liberty Mutual ... I am not affiliated but I had settlement which was over KBB excellent value in less than two weeks I was able to replace the car on the 14th of November (already having the the settlment not yet the check) ... Sandy happened on the night of the 30th for us ... I had OK experience with Geico when I had a small fender bender (other guys fault 100%)
I just got a quote from state farm 15/30/25 $117 / mo its about $40 lower than freaking lizzard company. Im done with Gekko SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
LOL! I'm surprised Mr. Psy here hasn't replied to Psy's next (?) hit - Gentleman M/V | PriusChat yet. OP should maybe try Safeco, as well. I switched to them ages ago and saved $ compared to State Farm, which I had for ages.
Call 21st Century.... I really think you can do better! me -> 54.50/mo. 100/300/25, comprehensive, collision $500 ded.
wow 500 dollar deductible ??? that is already more if they just touch your car. Once I had a side view mirror broken by an idiot motorcyclist ... that was more than THAT ... but again you (not personal) drive not that much maybe yoru risk is low enough to save 500 a year and if something happen only evry 2 year you pay the first 500 ...
I'm not sure what your point is.... are you saying $500 ded is too low? If I raised the deductible, the premium would be lower but I felt the premium was resonable. Yes, most damage is going to be considerably higher than $500 so I will be covered in any event and only 5 bills out of the pocket.
hey. you're right. I checked 21st century and they quote me at $89 / mo. 15/30/25 1000 ded. 5k medical and about $65 cheaper!! thanks SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
It was more of a general comment not a personal ... but yes that is the game with insurance. It not just the car itself (that matter of course) but location and state laws ... see NJ where you can have insurance which pays NOTHING for medical for the other motorist only thing you need be "worthless" receiving either disability or SS with no more $5K assets ... go figure I even had GAP insurance once when I made a bad deal of trade-in for my second prius and only realized later that they financed MORE than the car even worth !!! So an early total loss would have resulted a BIG loss. So I paid a few more dollar a month just in case.
I don't have Gap insurance but the first year or so is a gamble. If I total the car insurance will pay out less than the bank note.
Yes for about 2 years it could be the case ... that is why I had the GAP insurance for two years. And the car WAS totaled at little over 3 years of age by the hurricane !!! For my current prius I put down cash about 12% so I decided against the GAP I am almost fully covered from day one with the comprehensive coverage.
Yeah it us kinda... but thats what I have with Geico also and they charge me $80 more lol SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2