that is so uniformed. so who is the one who is funding the scientists? have you ever talked to a scientist who worked/works on black ops projects? i did not think so... maybe if you have talked to REAL scientists that work on ADVANCED systems you would understand that word "nefarious" for some branches of science is not adequate. again, ok, so who is funding the scientists up to professorship level, and who is funding those real scientists working on secret projects? who gives them grants, who signs their paychecks? and, how many levels of science are there? From professorship up -- there is yet another level of those scientist working on black budget projects, not something that you will hear in mainstream media. no, if you cannot figure out by now who runs the world and by what means -- you should not be discussing aspects of global warming bullshit agenda, because there is lot more than your Fixed News or CNN (Clown News Network) is telling you. and, if you looked up the skies a bit and made a mental note of how cloud seeding by those military C131s influences your climate (in your area) you would not be arguing this point about "global warming" -- you would know that there is ulterior motive, lot larger than Bush cabal can pull. PTBs hope to use global warming as the vehicle for global governance. Read up on it and make your own deductions and you will KNOW too.
really? what version of book i did not read -- first or later versions? Guess you did not know that there is more than one book on this same subject, did you? have you read what Malthus wrote? do you know what his doctrine is and who is using it nowadays? isn't this what is already happening? [4] See, there was more than one version, book was revised because the first time id did not fly, people were not buying it. what you qouted was the first unsuccessful attempt to indoctrinate people. because it did not work -- players were changed and wording was revised. same old trick was applied. and, since you are ther, why don't you check out the ideolofies of TMalthus, Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in developing the theory of natural selection. it is pretty interesting to say at least and if you want a relly ggod read on future of america by one of movers and shakers read Millennium: Winners & Losers in the Coming World Order . right there they are telling us what they will do, yet some of us still cannot believe it even if it is spelled out <sigh>
The first one. The one you cited. In your original post, you cited "Limits to Growth" as predicting doomsday by 2000. I quoted exactly what the book did predict, which was that under then-present trends, looking at widely varying scenarios, the earth would probably reach the limits to growth within a century. And your response is to bring up different, related books, including one published in 2004. And considerable unrelated material. OK, just for the record, I'll point out that none of those books, including the one published in 2004, predicted doomsday by 2000.
As long as we're wandering off topic, would you mind saying a few words about the drought? I understand that you've now got adequate rainfall in most of the country. Are people now forgetting about it or are you making changes to get ready for the next one?
I'm just going to back away here. This stuff is usually within the realm of crank addicts and the mentaly disturbed. You could be right but I'm not going to based my ideas and plans on something this wild. I'll simply continue my own research and base my opinions on that and the information supplied to me by the regular scientists I talk to.
ruling elite always used fear (as in doomsday, as in war on terror, as in communists are gonna get ya, as in ....<insert another lie here>) observe what Fox News and CNN and rest are peddling and you will see that someone is smart over with what is left of peoples minds. "Global warming", as presented with faked evidence and by erasing of some historical data from public archives , then manipulating existing data to present a global warming case (not to mention voodoo science of looking at one single purported "carbon" proof) cannot be anything BUT a conspiracy, because it is pushed by Club Of Rome/Tavistock and those who work for them, those like Al Gore. Al Gore did not write "An Inconvenient Truth", a book on global warming, it was done as is usually done by a ghost writer. Just like he did not organize the July 7 benefit concert for global warming, Live Earth. -- he was just the front man who is pushing that agenda that his paymasters tell him to push and he collects the check. Al Gore's electric bill is 20 times more than average electric bill, and so far he spent thousands of pounds of extra kerosene and diesel fuel while promoting global warming bullshit. he could not care less if global warming is real or not. the reason why i am even talking about him is because: A: he is the front man pushing the global warming agenda, just like many others are doing wittingly or not B: his orders come from Tavistock, a PR office that works closely with offices in U.S. and they all are working for same paymasters C: Gore is a globalist first, working for global social state that they are trying to implement as we speak, therefore his loyalty is first to them it goes lot deeper than what those clowns on our television are telling us, it goes far back in history, same idea of taking over the world using any tool that is at their disposal. "global warming" scare happens to be one of those tools. i did not write the following: I that is why we have war on Terror, global economics, and global warming. those reasons are given proponents of world government as evidence of the necessity for a new world order. If world government is to be achieved by consent, as Mr. Warburg put it, then the world must be sold on the idea of world government and its necessity. again, that Tavistock line: In a report titled "The First Global Revolution" (1991) published by the Club of Rome, a globalist think tank, we find the following statement: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself." here you can see how they use scare tactics -- as usual don't you find this strange? why would they manipulate outcome if global warming was REAL? now, if you read carefully you begin to connect the dots. yes, there is a GLOBAL conspiracy, and hopefully the people wake the **** up before another bullshit is pulled over their eyes. just like threat from communists was, just like war on terror is. how much more evidence do we need? if this still flies above your heads -- i give up! -- ha, ha ha... darn, it sure looks like someone is pulling our chain with that "global warming" crap, doesn't it? we should be always suspicious when a sleazy politician writes a book on new threat to the world and mainstream media promotes that story. but, when he is given a Nobel Prize for that "effort" we better start digging our nuclear shelter.
I can't say with any accuracy what is happening around the rest of Australia but here in Adelaide, although it is raining today we are still in the grip of the drought. Adelaide relies on water from the Murray Darling System, which is the largest river system in Australia and captures water from about 20% of the country or a bigger land area than Texas if you like. South Australia is home to the mouth of the system which stretches into Queensland, through New South Wales and forms much of the northern border of Victoria. Unfortunately almost none of the water in the system originates in South Australia. Back in the 1950s a large part of the flow of the Snowy River was diverted inland via tunnels and a hydro power station to flow down the Murray which increased the flows. The Murray River and Darling Rivers are among the most heavily regulated rivers in the world, there are barrages near the mouth at Goolwa which keep salt water from entering the system and from Blanchetown on the lower edge of the South Australian Riverland, upstream there are weirs and locks which maintain the water level above sea level. Prior to the barrages salt water made its way upstream as far as Mannum, about 80km upstream! South Australia uses most of the water it pulls from the Murray for agriculture but a good deal of Adelaide's water, particularly in times of little local rain comes from the Murray and is drawn off at Morgan. Due to the closing off of back waters along the river and the weir system maintaining the water levels upstream of Blanchetown there is water at Morgan. In flows to South Australia have been down and will continue to be down for some time yet. There has been heavy rains in Queensland but although the Darling once had major flows into the Murray, due to the increase in crops like cotton, sugar and rice in Queensland only a trickle of water seems to cross from Queensland to New South Wales. Rain that falls in far west of Queensland comes into South Australia via an extensive system of natural channels, unfortunately this rain is too unreliable to do much with. It does flow into Lakes Eyre and other lesser known dry lakes which become breeding grounds for water birds like pelicans and ibis. The lower reaches of the Murray including Lake Alexandrina(40km from my home) and Lake Albert are way below normal capacity making navigation in the area hazardous. A few weeks ago I was at Milang where the water had receded so far that even the longest jetties did not reach the water! This is causing a great deal of concern for irrigators in the region. What is being done to secure Adelaide's water. Desalination. There is a huge desalination plant being built at Port Stanvac near the site of a currently mothballed Mobil refinery. It is expected this desal plant will provide up to 30% of Adelaide's water. I hope the available land near the site will be used to install solar collectors to power the desal plant but I doubt it. Water Restrictions There are currently restrictions on watering gardens and lawns in Adelaide and I believe up the eastern seaboard. This restricts watering to once a week, on a Saturday or Sunday for up to 3 hours a week. Most people have reduces lawn watering to a point where lawns are yellowing off, mine is mostly dead as I don't water at all except with grey water from my washing machine which is a low water consumption front loader. There are cash incentives to use water wise appliances like front loading washers and 9L/h shower roses. So there you have it, as another shower rolls across Adelaide, we are still in a drought.
Is it strange that western governments were the last people to come on board, kicking and screaming mind you, the CLIMATE CHANGE train? Clinton and Bush denied it, John Howard denied it, who else was there? If it is a tool of government manipulation they are expert to use the "it's all crap" to make us believe it, hey?
Thanks for both posts. I had not quite understood the magnitude of the engineering on your river systems. And I could not make much of the press coverage. Last year at this time the reports read as if you were weeks away from turning off irrigation in your agricultural heartland (ie. the equivalent of a US dustbowl). Made it sound as if you were all but out of drinking water for your urban populations. Current reports read as if all is OK. Typical press coverage. I guess the reality is that some years of normal rainfall will be required to get back to OK. Living as I do in the non-irrigated US East, I could not quite get my mind around that, but I guess US Westerners would get it. I'm in awe of how well the Australians handled what was billed as a once-in-1000-years drought. I doubt we in the US would have done as well. Maybe it's all that water infrastructure, so that you're used to dealing with water issues in an orderly fashion. But in other cases you've clearly just been more rational. I'm an economist, OK, so from time to time I've been checking the the market price of irrigation water in Australia. It's fascinating to me because there's no such thing in the US. Both countries started off with archaic systems of water rights. But you all established an orderly "cap-and-trade" market for water rights in most of your agricultural river valleys. And in times of stress, it appeared to function. The price of "spot" water in your Murray-Darling basin quintupled from Nov 2006 to Nov 2007. At least on the margin, water went to the highest-valued use and prices encouraged conservation. What a concept. In the US, in most places, we've never been able to get beyond squabbling over it. Maybe the US could learn from that and maybe not. I suspect the difference may also be cultural and governmental. Sure, in both governments, key people express beliefs that appear ill-informed, irrational, or sold to the highest bidder. The difference is that ours are perfectly willing and able to act on them indefinitely, regardless of the consequences. Whereas I get the impression that at least some of your politicians still have a little common sense and practicality, regardless of what they say. Or maybe it is just that water is such a clear life-and-death issue in Australia that there's far less room for fooling around over that, than there is over most issues here. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I think it's amazing how well Australia has done with this drought, all things considered, and that the US may have something to learn from that.
Pat, did you ever listen to the segment of "Collapse" I linked you to? The part that talked about Australia's water and draught issues particularly regardling the Murray Darling? CD7 Track 1
Wow. I had no idea the conspiracy was that widespread and long-lived. Or that ineffective. If they've been around for that long and have all that power at their disposal, to manipulate a free press and the U.S. former V.P. among others (including current president and his father, who accidentally uttered the words "new world order" at one point), they're doing a really bad, slow job of creating a new world order for them to control. So far they managed to get all the Jews/Greeks/Eskimos/<ethnic group of choice> out of the World Trade Center before it was taken down, got JFK killed, and they convinced the world their secret test spaceships at Area 51 came from aliens before closing it all off (close one, they nearly were exposed there). But otherwise, they haven't really gotten much done. Bunch of slackers if you ask me. If I had their powers, I'd be running the world from a private island in the Caribbeans by now. Barbados would be nice.
But just look at all the money made by biologists from the evolution conspiracy, physicists from the relativity conspiracy, astronomers from the Big Bang conspiracy, and geologists from the plate tectonics conspiracy. The climatologists must have decided that it's their turn.
Yep. And then the geologist have the gaul to sell "Stop plate tectonics" shirts and bumper stickers, reaping a sweet profit. Bastards!