I won't even let my dealer wash my car. When I bring it in for service I make it very clear that they are NOT to wash it! I'll do that myself with my Zaino wash bucket and sheepskin mit. I would never take it through a car wash!
I didn't know they still had car washes with brushes and anyone that uses one is not a car guy. I like others here use the two bucket system, cotton or microfiber towels. The only time I use a car wash is in the winter and it is a brushless no touch system and pick the cheapest wash that has an undercarriage was to get off the salt and grim from underneath my cars. I always wipe down the engine compartment when I wash my cars and when it starts to get a little grimy I spray it with Fantastic cleaner [A trick a Mercedes dealer told me about, Fantastic will not harm auto paint so is safe to use,] and then turn the hose on it, does a great job. Don't know if this is advisable on a Prius or not, would check it out with someone at Toyota before I put a water hose to the engine compartment of a Prius.
They still have car washes that use cloths that physically wipe the car because the "touchless" car washes use very high pressure water and strong chemicals that will strip off the car's wax, and possibly damage the paint over time and even after all that, the car is never as clean as a conventional car wash and often the car is still covered with a film of stuck-on grit that the touchless technique wasn't able to completely remove.
Gentlemen: These auto car washes are used by everyone. When someone with a very dirty vehicle goes through, the brushes fill with nasty gritty dirt. Several of my cars have the paint damaged, even worn through. Even car washes without the brushes, just water nozzles, often have an attendent with a broom who brushes it off. Keep 100 feet away from these auto washes. Use a hose and even avoid the rag. Never wipe dry paint. Avoid my pain of a scratched paint job.
I have used automatic car washes for my last 3 cars at least once or twice and month for years and none had any paint damage or paint worn through. Many people don't have time or place to hand wash their daily driver. If was inclined to have a classic show car, then I would make sure I was able to commit to meticulously careful hand washing before I made the purchase. I would also need to keep it parked to avoid the chance of rock chips and door dings etc.. It isn't practical for most people to hand wash their car and the chemicals in a touchless wash may cause more permanent damage and fading rather than fine swirls that can be ignored and later polished away.