With respect to your definition of "division of resources" you may be correct but in terms of natural resources there is definately a division going on. Every one of those children will grow up and require a lot of resources. This is sort of like the tragedy of the commons where those who have the most kids will suck up a disproportionate share of the worlds resources for what reason? Because they wanted 17 kids or because their religion thinks it's a good thing? I can think of 17 kids who were living with inadequate resources who could have been spared if we decided to fight for their needs instead of our own rediculous "rights and freedoms" or worse yet our gluttony. I realize things are more complex than the picture I paint but I'm in a "feeling" mood this morn.
Having watched their show once it's amazing how well behaved and mature these kids are. The parents are doing a great job. Love my 1 boy but couldn't imagine having more than him. God bless this family; I think the kids will probably contribute greatly to this world. Unusual, YES! Insane, NO! This family probably does better than most of us parents. BTW, regarding the diapers in landfills issue; considering what I've seen of the show (not all of it mind you) I wouldn't be suprised if they use cloth diapers.