Actually, it didn't go away but since the menu went away, I forgot what it was. It's inserting a cell in Excel (I know now it's <ctrl>-I, e. Since I've maybe used that one maybe three times - I usually insert a whole row or column - I had to google to remember how to do it).
Ok, you're talking about Office 2007 changes over 2003 instead of XP vs. Vista right? Either way the shortcuts didnt change. And yes that damn "ribbon" pisses me off too. That's why I installed one of many classic toolbar addons. It puts the standard 2003 menu back where it is supposed to be. Dont know why they didnt make it an option considering: "You will have a classic mode, right?" - Bill Gates to Jensen Harris, after seeing the Office 2007 ribbon Jensen is the User Interface guy for Office products.
Yeah, most of my complaints with Vista are actually complaints with Office 2007. But 99% of the things I do I know the shortcut keys by heart, and the other 1% I google if I can't figure out the pictograph for the command (which maybe happened twice, including the time I mentioned above). Unfortunately, I'm often using other peoples' computers so I don't have the option of installing useful patches. I've actually turned down jobs from people who insisted on using IE ("if you're going to insist on putting out a welcome mat for viruses, there's nothing I can do.").
IE7 is a step in the right direction, but I still prefer my beloved FireFox. Good news is that they make both FireFox and Office 2007 in a portable version. So you can stick it on a flash drive, and run your apps from there. So install and modify your office install on your thumb drive, and have it with you wherever you go. And ofcourse with FF having all your bookmarks, history, and tabs whereever you go.
Unfortunately (for Microsoft), Bill Gates is less and less involved with the company. Balmer has managed to turn a hot (the hottest at the time) franchise into a muddling one. The smartphone fight is between Google and Apple. Even Bill Gates allowed as how he was amazed that Microsoft hadn't come up with what Jobs was showing at the iPhone's debut. Microsoft is old news and getting older.
Not many share your opinion.... WinMobile managed to shed 4% of the smartphone marketshare from Oct, 2009 to January, 2010 ( comScore Reports January 2010 U.S. Mobile Subscriber Market Share - comScore, Inc )
Agreed. So why, then, a few posts back did YOU call iPhone owners stupid? Now you're going to pretend to take the high road? HA! The iPhone doesn't do anything new, it just does everything with a MUCH better interface. I'm a programmer and I LOVE my iPhone. And your biased ranting certainly won't change my mind. I'm sure you can do anything I can do for free, but certainly not as easily as on the iPhone, and certainly most people cannot do it on other phones w/o digging through a manual. Which means they'll never do it. I don't like fighting my devices, I just like them to work, and the iPhone does that BEAUTIFULLY. Keep your favorite phone, it works for you, great. But don't trash the iPhone, you are CLEARLY in the minority on that opinion. Zhe Wiz
long time ago, before most of you were born we had DOS and then came Steve Jobs and Wozniak with the MAC. It was so revolutionary it made those using PCs look dumb. Then Bill Gates came out with Windows, essentially a copy of MAC for the PC. The iPhone did the same thing to cell phones. Everyone is trying to copy/exceed it. There's the iPhone and there's everything else. Like I said before, the only problem with iPhone is ATT
The only problem with iPhone is actually Apple. They seem to be totally in love with their own totally closed ecosystem. Including only offering iPhones in US only through at&t, while they could sell them also unlocked and unsubsidised. Same story goes all around the world. Well Google's partners like HTC and Motorola have none of selfimposed problems Apple has. Future is Android. Apple has two years left or less of its domination. Maybe they can overcome their unlimited capability to limit themselves. Or maybe iOS will become a new Mac. A cool niche with less than 10% of market share and under a radar of much of the world's developers.
I remember the lawsuit where Apple sued Microsoft about that, back in the dark days of Apple (you know a company is floundering when it issues desperate lawsuits). When the court realized Apple's main argument was "We stole it fair and square from Xerox", they were justifiably laughed out of court. The main reason I chose iPhone over the Android was the Android didn't exist at the time.
+1. I have been fighting with the Droid Incredible for 3 days now. I have been in communication with technical staff at and am no closer to getting the Incredible integrated with the mail servers at than I was when I started this journey. The Cliff-Notes version is that does not support non-Apple handsets (which I expected), they just publish the server settings that they have implemented. Doing a manual install of the mail application on the Incredible using the published settings from did not result in being able to integrate the handset with the environment. Which leads me to believe there is a bug in the Android v. 2.1 mail application. Or, is publishing bad information to cause non-Apple devices to fail.... Anyone remember the refrain: DOS isn't done until Lotus won't run? UPDATE: Just got off from Verizon tech support. Cliff-Notes version is that the Mail application on the Incredible does not integrate with external mail services. If I want my handset Sent e-mails to be saved, I need to select the Send bcc: option. Send bcc: only sends the handset e-mails to my inbox and the e-mails all came from me.... This is not a solution. Sounds like Android is not quite yet ready for prime time. Apple and RIM (maybe Windows Mobile too; but I have no experience with Windows Mobile) seem to have got a reprieve. Don't waste it... the Android's are coming.
Apple lost the lawsuit against Microsoft because their license agreement to Microsoft was loose enough that Microsoft was able to drive a truck through it. Apple thought they had limited the license to being able to only tile windows; Microsoft was able to convince Walker (the trial judge) that the agreement did not limit to tiling, but could also incorporate overlapping windows. I wonder how things would have turned out if Microsoft had lost the argument???? Maybe Apple would have had anti-trust problems? They seem to be having anti-trust problems with iAd.... Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are both control freaks.
Well, the iPhone 4 sales are through the roof, and it's only the first day of pre-orders. Both AT&T and Apple's websites have been brought down by the demand multiple times. The problem seems to be on AT&T's side - Apple's site fails when its trying to check upgrade eligibility, and AT&T just plain logs you out if you try to check eligibility.
incredible is the same way. order one today, verizon will ship "no later than july" like that is supposed to be impressive and the incredible has been out almost a month
Actually, it's a little different Dave... For any major release these days, any company will ensure they have enough to meet most of the initial demand, but that supplies will be limited for a while after launch. In theory, that helps to drive up demand because it keeps people talking about it and you end up with people getting theirs off back order over the next few months being extremely excited and showing it off. Trust me, just like with the original iPhone, the 3G, the iPad and as you pointed out the incredible, Apple will have limited availability after launch. However the problem here isn't limited availability. By all indications, both Apple and AT&T still have stock available for pre-order. The problem is their computer systems simply can't handle the volume of orders coming in today. At least with the incredible, you can still place your order without any problems
I wonder when Apple will get a hint that their 'partner' AT&T is letting them down and they would be better served by other partners? First it was (arguably still is) AT&T's data network not being robust enough. Now it seems that AT&T's order processing system is not robust enough. Am I the only one seeing the 'not robust enough' pattern? UPDATE: I finally (at 11:15 p.m. (!)) was able to complete a pre-order using the website (with delivery to occur sometime around the first week of July...). I would get to the point where the order was to be confirmed/interfaced to the AT&T order processing site, and the transaction would biff, with a screen being returned asking me to visit an Apple store to complete my order.... If I get an order processed for each of my earlier attempts, I imagine the orders will be cancelled, as there appears to be a maximum of 2 iPhone 4 per customer. For allegedly being a Fortune 500 company, AT&T has fumbled it rather well. If AT&T were an employee at Apple, they would have been fired by now.
Interesting to note... Apple, AT&T, and all their other release-day partners are now finished with pre-orders - the phone is officially sold out for opening day. It took less than 24 hours, even with the horrible AT&T system. I imagine if AT&T had their act together, it would have taken half a day or less. It's too bad you didn't discover the work around so many of us used, apriusfan... the Apple Store app they released yesterday skipped verifying eligibility with AT&T and worked almost instantly to reserve your copy - even when you said you were upgrading an existing phone on your account.