Early adopters are delighted. They sell their 'old' devices on Ebay, and jump on the next great thing. The only time I have seen early adopters pissed off was when S Jobs dropped the price on the G1 iPhone within about a month of its introduction. They were given a store credit for the next iPhone, and became happy as clams again.
On Gazelle today, you can get $300 for your Gen 1 iPad. That's a lot of depreciation for a few months use. iPad 2 Leads to Massive Deflation in Secondary Market
RIP TouchPad and webOS HP TouchPad and webOS bit the dust today. I know someone who joined the Palm group late last year. As someone who follows the mobile space, I suggested that she not join... From HP Confirms Discussions with Autonomy Corporation plc Regarding Possible Business Combination; Makes Other Announcements | Business Wire: HP punts on WebOS, discontinues TouchPad, cuts outlook | ZDNet HP's Apotheker recounts TouchPad disaster in post mortem | ZDNet
Just saw a TV ad for the TouchPad. They forgot to mention it was discontinued in the ad. I bought an iPad2 back in July just before we went on a two week trip. It is better than a laptop in some ways, not as good in others. It makes a great e-reader (especially if you like magazines) and a great viewer for digital photos.
Has it been successfully rooted yet? If you could stick a supported OS on it like Android that would be a real bargain.
No idea, but I am semi-tempted for only $99 or $149. I suspect people who bought at higher prices and kept them past their return period will be PISSED.
From TiVoCommunity: I'm very surprised they would do this but this is a good move to head off what would otherwise be very angry customers.
The Ipad apps for musicians alone is worth it. I love the original Moog Synthesizer from the 70's forget the model but you had to patch it to make sounds. I remember Chick Corea had one... Its an app. And sounds great. Endless drum apps. Its crazy. Btw, I scored tickets to see Return to Forever 9-11 with Stanley,Lenny,Chick, and Gambale (no Al). Zappa for Zappa (Dweezil's band) is warming them up.Dweezil's band is remarkable . I cannot wait.
As a true technogeek, I can compare the devices and give a little feedback. I've had the iPad 64GB WiFi + 3G since the day after it was released. I have a Nook Color rooted so that it functions as an Android tablet. And now, I have an HP Touchpad 16GB. Each of these devices has its pluses and minuses. iPad wins on battery life and apps. If you can imagine it, someone has written an app for it. The 3G with the $30 unlimited plan rocks. My iPad is running IOS 5 Nook is the perfect size. Really this thing is light and fits right on the arm of my chair. It's thin and comfortable to hold even for hours. Even though my iPad has the Nook, Kindle and iBooks app, I find that I like reading books on this one better. HP Touchpad? The price was awesome! I actually like the gestures better than the iPads. The true multitasking of apps is awesome. Flash is a plus. Downsides? Lack of apps available for it and no 3G. Just my two cents...
Performance is definitely won by the HP Touchpad. That sucker is fast! All three have good responsiveness. I don't really see a noticeable difference in responsiveness. The HP is really a great tablet. The price made it more than worth it.
Playbook price cuts and Amazon Kindle Fire Before the Kindle Fire was introduced today, there were lots of stories of the Playbook being cut to $299. Now, Amazon's being very aggressive vs. the Kindle Fire at $199. The aggressive price of the Kindle Fire is really going to shake up the industry. I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of Android tablet makers drop out. I'm thinking the Playbook is doomed now given Fire's price. Some in the industry speculate that Amazon's losing $ on each Kindle Fire and make it up on content. If so, then it seems that other than Apple and Amazon almost nobody else has a decent store and content portfolio lined up. Amazon's also being very aggressive w/the Kindle pricing now. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0051QVESA/ref=sv_kinc_0should show you all models, which includes a bunch of new ones.
Can't wait to try out the Fire. Very intriguing. I like its size. The iPads are too big for most of my daily use.
I think the Nook Color is the best sized tablet but any tablet without 3G/4G is just a convenience when I am home. I like to be able to use my tablet anywhere. The unlimited 3G plan that I have through AT&T has spoiled me. I use the iPad for everything. Quick checks of email and replies, Netflix streaming for my daughter when we are out, GPS navigation in the car, surfing the web, radio (Pandora/C-SPAN/Iheartradio/etc), it's even a digital picture frame on my desk when I'm at work...
That was GREAT! I agree with that girl on CNET though, Amazon is going to sell a ton of these, based on price, and on people either not knowing or not caring about the differences. And Amazon is expected to come out with better and bigger ones in the next year. Hiding the Android underpinnings was a smart move. For anything other than reading books, I'm not sure I would want to settle for the small size. I may get an e-ink touch kindle, just to avoid staring into a backlit screen while reading books. Might have already gotten a nook if the B&N pricing was not so consistently higher than Amazon's pricing.
I liked the comic. The Fire has helped finish the tablet market for everyone else (they were killing it anyway themselves, though). At $199 this will sell tons. Still inferior to an iPad, but not 60% inferior (and it is 60% cheaper).
It's not hard to connect the dots. What does Amazon have a lot of that it can sell (at a discount) once they catch someone on Fire?