Oh, my mistake. I was assuming the e-reader was the same as the iPad version. I should have checked their website prior to asking.
Tony, are you aware of the iPad case made by Apple? My uncle got an iPad with that case and it's hands down the best. It's the slimmest cover out there and it automatically turns on the iPad when you open it up. iPad Smart Cover - Polyurethane - Pink - Apple Store (U.S.)
I got one of those, too. However, look at it: yeah, the front looks snazzy and everything. Now, look at the back of your iPad. Oops! The back is completely exposed! Now, look at the sides - Oops! If you drop it you're SOL!
The back of the iPad is that brushed aluminum which IMO is very nice and hard to mess up. I have a 7 year old Powerbook of the same material that is pretty much flawless. Therefore, I don't see much of a need to protect the back. In fact, I wouldn't get a case at all - I was just suggesting what I would get. I have a chrome backed iPod touch and it is awful when it comes to scratches. I know Apple's case doesn't provide any protection if it's dropped. But I don't like the thickness of the other cases.
Thanks, MacM, for the thought. I've seen the Apple "iPad Smart Cover" and fell in love with it via the cute video. Then I read the online reviews at store.apple.com in which it receives 3 out of 5 stars. One of the primary complaints is that it is not magnetic enough and will come unattached while propping up the iPad. And though I agree with the look of the brushed aluminum back, I am an over-engineering protection nut.
You'll probably end up doing some forum posting with it so get a case with a bluetooth keyboard, love mine. [ame="http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=ipad+case+with+bluetooth+keyboard&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#q=ipad+case+with+bluetooth+keyboard&hl=en&safe=off&client=safari&rls=en&prmd=ivns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=iRgKTrDgKujTiAKlrPW8AQ&ved=0CGwQrQQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=339e749088751852&biw=1564&bih=730"]ipad case with bluetooth keyboard - Google Search[/ame]
I was originally considering the Smart Cover + something to protect the back because I know the back of mine will get scratched up. But, I was loathe to pay $39 for the Smart Cover. It seems like a big ripoff compared to what its production cost, even taking into account the R&D they had to do.... Paying $39 + something compatible to protect the back seemed just too much money to me. I ended up getting the Yoobao leather case I pointed to earlier since it was cheaper than the Smart Cover alone.
Tony, You can get the Zagg/Mate cover, keyboard w/ bluetooth on line for $49.00. That's all metal and brushed aluminium to match your new Ipad.
I have a deuce with the magnet-cover, but I write for a living and prefer the Apple Bluetooth keyboard for editing long pieces. I also like to tote earbuds and charging cable and the doohickey that reads SD cards. So a got a Case Logic thing made out of something that resembles wetsuit stuff that holds both the iPad and the keyboard in the main compartment, plus the accessories in a separate zippered compartment. It winds up being about an inch thick, and it has handles, but no shoulder strap. It looks a little sissy and pack-ratty, but I'm cool with that. I bought it at Frys.