Greetings, I'd like to join you folks, because we're all a little crazy. That's right, we decided to pay extra, since Blizzard is is such a cool color . On another note, what polish, wax, or other polymer does everyone use to keep that Pearl finish looking good. Any one also use that big red duster. Thanks Joe
I haven't put that first coat of wax on yet, but I use Meguiar's everything. The Mist and Wipe (Detailing Mist) is awesome.
My usual process: Clay/H7/ColorX/Ultimate Wax/Ultimate Detailer In that order, but rarely all in the same day. The ColorX is a cleaner/polish/finish with similar properties to the TechWax 1st Gen. The wax is used to "layer" and create an even smoother finish. The UD is for a final detail after washing. Wheels and tires are done with Eagle 1 wheel and tire cleaner. This stuff is amazing! It's my only deviation from Meguiar's (and has nothing to do with the shine). It's only about $4/bottle- you just spray it on and wait 30 seconds. My previously well-scrubbed tires (as of a week ago) had brown oxidation gunk just running off them. A quick rinse and they were like new! All interior vinyl surfaces (and weather seals) are treated with Meguiar's #40 Vinyl and Rubber Cleaner/Conditioner. Regular cleaning is done with Meguiar's Interior Quick Detailer. I've used Meguiar's Products in varied forms since the mid 1960's.
I guess that makes me #30. Me and the DW are now owners. Mine 2011 Prius II BP and hers 2011 Prius II Barcelona Red. So far I love it! I get a thrill driving on electricity