Little over two weeks of owning my new to me Blizzard Pearl Prius. Got over 400 miles on my first tank and took only $30 to fill up completely. Here's a pic of it when I first got it.
So I'm #192? Wow! I have been a member since 2009 and I don't think I ever put myself in. Here's mine. Better late than never!
I did not see you in the roles welcome good job self numbering! Welcome new Blizzard you are #193. 192. ePrius 193. Hila
I've never been that into modifications... but are there any you would recommend? I'd like to see some photos!
An easy mod would be to change the interior bulbs to LEDs. ICheck out the modification forums and you'll see tons of pics. Be careful though, it's a slippery slope, you may end up doing more mods.
Oh interesting... I never would have thought to put LEDs inside... on my way to check out the mods forum now