You don't consider Geico a "proper, know, reputable firm?" Also, you are guaranteed something when you go in a casino; that in the long run you come out behind. Insurance is the same, but we have to have it, so what do ya do?
Actually, I have no opinion about GEICO and was not specifically referring to them. Do love the gecko, though.
No, by full coverage I mean that if I get in a wreck that is my fault, it will cover both my car and their car. Not liability which will just cover the other persons car.
I pay $600 a year, but I am in New Jersey and I carry $500,000 in liability coverage. New Jersey in the whiplash capital of the world!
Well... if the car isn't paid off, it's required... but other than that, you wouldn't. Some people, however, like being able to get the car fixed if the windshield gets a crack or it hails and you get damage. Can't do that with most liabilities.
Oh, gotcha. I was totally on a different wavelength. Haha. Yes, I did have full coverage, and that price above was for full coverage.
$346 for six months - 100/300/50 coverage - $1,000 deductible on comp and collision. Southern Nevada - clean driving record.
I am so jealous right now.. Is insurance that much cheaper in the USA??? I'm paying $249 a month right now. Just under $3000 a year i believe and right now i have 2 discounts on my payments aswell... My old acura cl 3.0 was $179 per month, jumped up to $249 with the prius Im hoping it drops somewhat in May when i renew.
Wow... that's crazy. I'm paying $250/year for my '66 Chevelle, but then it's considered a collector item and must remain garaged with less than 7500 miles a year.
Just bought insurance today. Got my C3 a week ago. AAA insurance $957/year (two drivers) 100/300/100 $500 deductible on collision $50 deductible on comp Palo Alto, California
I pay $743 a year in Charlotte,NC. I'm a 26 yr old male with no accidents or tickets and full coverage from AllState. It went up $24 dollars ($719) from my old car to the Prius C. $500 deductible.
That's crazy! I just got a quote for the Prius C and it's $15 cheaper than my 2002 Saturn. I can't believe yours went up. I live in Mississauga, where apparently insurance is ridiculously high.
as a 32 y/o guy living in toronto, canada, i considered my $1300/yr insurance pretty nice, considering that while shopping around i'd gotten quotes at high as $2500/yr, and some of my younger coworkers said they were paying $3k/yr. i am a relatively light driver though. i've put on about 5000 miles in 7 months, which put my vehicle more into the "pleasure driver" category. i actually pay more for parking than i do for gas/insurance combined. i do not know if that should make me feel good about the hybrid efficiency, or horrible about living downtown!