Are you talking about oem ink for my cheap Canon ink jet or Mendel's expensive printer? My printer seems to be very popular, but even aftermarket remanufactured cartilage cost ~$30, though have more ink in them. I decided to try refill kit instead. For 30ml ink kit they are about $20 and should be good for 10 times more printing than regular OEM cartilage. Yeah, I use to have slide scanner too. Waaaay back, when a PC still had a scsi interface for this scanner. I think it was made by Kodak, but I can't remember. That was the time when digital photography was still in its infancy. I also did quite a bit of B&W photography myself, but not so much for artistic expression. I was taking photographs of microscopy. Using TriX ASA400 film and pushing the development to 3200 was our usual protocol for taking b&w images of immunofluorescence slides.
Same with me, I have an old Epson inkjet that I use now for scanning only since the printer head always clogs and it's a PITA to clean and clear the clog. Last year bought a colored Brother HL-8250 Laserjet for $150 (open box) and what a good investment it is. For cheap and reliable toner cartridge, I get it from Epson Ink Cartridges, Brother Ink cartridges, Canon Ink Cartridges, HP Ink Cartridges, Brother Toner, HP Toner, Refilling Epson Cartridges Cheaper and great quality.
somebody gave me an HP Laser 6MP and a green iMac in compensation for work I did. I think this would have been in 2005. It was old, stickered and battle hardened by then. Probably made in '96. I still have the printer in regular use. It happened to come with an adapter cable to get from USB to parallel. Modern computers just recognize it and it just works. A bit pokey maybe, but it works. If anything the driver control and options have never been better. I don't need to print a lot and this machine has been perfect for it. Absolutely no need for updating and trashing this one. I had to replace the toner cartridge two years ago (meaning I got 11 years out from a portion of the last one) and the guy at the store was doubtful that he would have it. They found one in the back, said I'd never see it again but that it's an easy one to refill.
my dad had a darkroom as a teenager in the 1920's. it was still all there when we visited the home in the 70's. pretty incredible for the time. i didn't get the bug.
apologies, that was for mendel and the website he posted. i wonder why amazon had such a cheap cartridge for our hp.
It was very convenient to have color inkjet on desk when somebody else (Uncle Sam or Uncle Xi) paid for the ink. Now it is easy and cheap to walk down the street (almost any street) to a print shop. Find them even if language-limited because characters resembling "ED" are always on a big sign. Talking horse or erectile dysfunction; your choice. One gets about 7 pages for 1$USD equivalent. Bags of ink hang above like multicolored IVs. I wonder how much color printing costs in 'your world' now?
To add to the OP, I have a Samsung color laser printer that is designed to eat toner cartridges. Even when printing b&w, the color ones get a tick against their page limit. On top of that, waste toner gets dumped into a separate cartridge that will eventually need to be replaced.
Just bought a pair of USED empty ink cartilages on eBay. I have ink for refills already. Will see how DIY remanufacturing ink cartridges goes. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
An issue for Samsung, and possibly for other printers, is that the page counter is onboard of the cartridge. If the cartridge electronics are saying the page limit has been reached, or that it is empty, simply refilling alone won't work. You'll need to hack it to reset whatever that counter is.
I am gonna try this. INKJET411 | Canon 245, 245XL, 246 & 246XL Ink Cartridges – Reset Instructions:
I still use a nearly 15 year old Epson RX620. Ink is dirt cheap and still widely available. Nozzles can be cleaned with warm water/ammonia solution if/when necessary (once, so far....) I converted it to a wireless printer with a $15 Raspberry Pi Zero and some freeware, just to free up some desk space and eliminate hanging the printer off of a PC. Probably saves a few watts of power as well... Works for me. My (work) apple devices even talk to it.
Huh, an inkjet that lasts, has cheap cartridges and can do photo quality printing: the holy grail. Hopefully cartridge availability, or some refill work-around, will keep on.